which of the following statements accurately describes viruses?

which of the following statements accurately describes viruses?


b) removal of viral mRNAs b. facilitated diffusion A protein molecule, transferrin, embedded in the plasma membrane recognizes iron molecules and causes the plasma membrane to fold in around the iron and take it into the cell. (Use one word for your answer.). d) the proteins on the viral surface and that of the host cell membrane. b. X-linked hyper IgM syndrome a. adenosine deaminase (ADA) The cell should lose weight over time because it is hypotonic to the beaker environment and water will enter the cell through osmosis. They are recycled by endocytosis more quickly than the normal receptor. f. Mycobacterium tuberculosis. They produce proteins used by other parts of the cell. b - Shows a linear relationship from zero exposure to the highest dose suggesting that exposure to such toxic agents, no matter how small, carries some risks I. Which of the following is/are part of accepted cell theory? This virus attacks the white blood cells (immune cells) of the human body. The World Health Organization's definition of health includes ______ wellbeing. Mortality rates are reduced by the administration of antibiotics to affected individuals. For groups of two or more, see our Patriot Lite Group Travel Medical Insurance SM plan. a 4. - the presence of a defense mechanism that prevents the toxin from reaching its target or repairs the damage that the toxin causes a. lymphocytes and platelets d) Reverse transcription would no longer be possible. 13-29 Severe combined immune deficiency (SCID) describes a condition in which neither _____ nor _____ are functional. Both membranes are selectively permeable and have pores. This is because the solution on the left side of the figure is hypertonic while the solution on the right side of the figure is hypotonic. They bind to MHC class I molecules and T-cell receptors. Which of the statements below accurately captures the relationship between toxicity and potency? Which of the following help increase the selective permeability of a phospholipid bilayer membrane? - caused by a fungus that thrives in cool, moist caves where bats hibernate Large molecules are always excluded from crossing the membrane. Some viruses have an external membrane envelope. Allergens are substances that affect us by ______. e. Janus 3 kinase (Jak3) 13-38 The mode of evolution responsible for the production of recombinant influenza viruses composed of a genome derived from two different influenza variants is called _____. d) lytic phages answer choices they are both living they are both cells they can both cause disease they are both non-living Question 7 30 seconds Q. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum c. CD28 Vesicular stomatitis virus G (VSV-G) . Question: You have to implement the following methods on the described scenario. The radish cells were hypertonic to the water in which they were soaking. d. active transport. Which of the following statement accurately characterize prediabetes? A) A disease is traditionally diagnosed and treated by a nurse. This is an example of This is because, unlike toxic substances, hazardous materials ______. a. channel proteins Which viruses have single-stranded RNA that acts as a template for DNA synthesis? a) The gp120 glycoprotein would no longer be able to bind to the CCR5 receptor. a. a virus. - People tolerate familiar risks, despite the high probability of harm, because they often downplay the risk associated with familiar activities. This is followed by a non-translated leader sequence, and then a single long protein-coding region (~7,000 nucleotides), followed by a poly-A tail. Solution The correct option is D photosynthesis uses solar energy to convert inorganics to energy-rich organics; respiration breaks down energy-rich organics to synthesize ATP Photosynthesis makes the glucose that is used in cellular respiration to make ATP. Many of these materials can be rendered relatively innocuous by dilution, neutralization, or other physical treatment. - Data on which chemicals are endocrine disrupters are not definitive. a. - The mere presence of a toxin is insignificant without considering how much is there, where it is located, how accessible it is, and who is exposed. d. There will be no net movement of water because the solutions are isotonic. Which of the following statements accurately describes a difference between viruses and bacteria? a) The gp120 glycoprotein would no longer be able to bind to the CCR5 receptor. What persistent pollutant formerly was used in paint and gasoline and is linked to numerous health concerns such as cancer, reproductive problems, mental issues, behavior problems, and deformities? 13-60 Herpes simplex virus favors neurons for latency because of the low level of _____, which reduces the likelihood of killing by CD8 T cells. Examine the figure below. Other duties may be assigned as deemed necessary or appropriate by management. A defense mechanism that repairs the damage caused by a toxin would create a _______________ response curve; a minimal dose is necessary to induce an observable effect. b. the virus escapes from the phagosome into the cytosol After returning to your desk, you observe the slide with your microscope and notice that all of the red blood cells (RBCs) do not look like the nice round donut shaped cells in your lab manual. Prokaryotic cells must also carry out respiration but do not have mitochondria. e. It is secreted and functions as a monomer but facilitates the dimerization of its receptor. The membranes of the mitochondria provide a place for enzymes needed for cellular respiration to anchor and function. 13-8 _____ is a strategy used by herpesviruses where replication and the generation of virus-derived peptides are avoided in order to hide from the immune response. Detoxification - Liver d. a ribosome. c. global populations; local populations d. the plasma membrane, Using the compound light microscope in the lab room, you observe a wet mount slide preparation. kill the host cell immediately, while bacteria maintain life within the . d. They do not readily mix with the hydrophobic tails forming the core of the phospholipid bilayer; therefore, the only way they can move into the cell is by endocytosis. a. X-linked agammaglobulinemia . Culture the substance by itself on nutritive medium, away from any plant cells. So, the water moved by osmosis across the plasma membranes into the radish cells increasing the turgor pressure inside of the cells and making them crunchier. Which of these is not a consideration of toxicology? Which of the following statements accurately describes plant virus infections? e. RNA-dependent RNA polymerase; HIV. Of the many factors that determine whether a particular chemical will prove to be dangerous, which of the following are based on the nature of the chemical agent itself? b) Negative-sense single-stranded RNA viruses People living in ______ areas, especially in ______, are particularly susceptible to death linked to air pollution. 13-42 Epstein-Barr virus infects and establishes latency in _____, gaining entry by binding to _____. - that some minimal dose is necessary before any effect can be observed. We perceive risk differently, depending on control, interests, or context. a. is the site where lipids destined for other cellular compartments are manufactured. - Endocrine disrupters may cause reproductive dysfunction in females. Are prokaryotic cells at an evolutionary disadvantage because they lack organelles? Proviruses form immediately after the RNA genome assembles with viral proteins and infectious irons are produced, 13-68 The pol gene of HIV produces all of the following except _____. Chemicals are generally divided into oil-soluble and water-soluble types. For some toxic substances, a millionth of a gram (an amount invisible to the naked eye) can be lethal. Interpret this graph by matching each label to the correct line in the graph. 13-41 Trypanosomes escape from adaptive immunity by altering the type of _____ expressed on the parasite surface. Instead, the RBCs look very shriveled up. They are slippery, heat-resistant, and durable. Certain pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and drugs - Injection (Intramuscular), As shown in the figure, every organism in the Lake Michigan food chain has some DDT in their body tissues at concentrations higher than in the environment due to A virus is living because it has an envelope that acts like a cell membrane. b. 13-44 Listeria monocytogenes replicates in _____ of macrophages after _____. The nuclear envelope consists of two concentric phospholipid bilayers while the plasma membrane is only one phospholipid bilayer. b. Antigenic shift; antigenic drift d. Certain solutes move freely across the membrane by simple diffusion while others must be helped across by active or passive transport proteins; some substances are completely excluded from crossing the membrane. The phage genome is integrated in the host chromosome where it is passed on to daughter cells through binary fission. Compare and contrast the nuclear envelope and the plasma membrane. You have four methods at your disposal that you can use to analyze the substance in order to determine the nature of the infectious agent. It is the major activating cytokine of macrophages. c) membrane Chemicals or other factors that specifically cause abnormalities during embryonic growth and development are called ___________________. b) Replication of their genomes does not involve proofreading. Contrary to the risk probabilities, we are often willing to accept far greater risk than the general threshold ______. Eradication of diseases such as polio or smallpox. The measles virus causes mouth and gum infections. Pesticide residue on food - Ingestion (gastrointestinal tract) 13-4 The serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae differ in their _____. 13-7 Genes encoding _____ rearrange in trypanosomes permitting replication and survival of the pathogen until the host produces an antibody response against the altered gene product. Which of the following statements about global health trends are true? So, the water osmosed across the plasma membranes into the radish cells decreasing the turgor pressure inside of the cells. is an emerging discipline that seeks to understand how environmental changes threaten our health and the environment itself. You place a small drop of the blood on a slide, add a drop of strong saline (salt) solution, and then cover all of it with a coverslip. 13-12 Shingles is associated with infection by _____. Antibiotics cannot kill a virus because viruses are not living cells with cell walls to puncture, nor do they have their own organelles to replicate DNA. When a dose-response curve for a particular toxin shows a threshold for the response, it generally suggests ______. Response - Vertical (y) axis Match the concentrations of DDT to where that concentration might be found based on the level of biomagnification. At times we lack the medicines with which to treat them, as some emergent diseases are caused by drug-resistant strains of a pathogen. c. active transport b. Reactivation of herpesviruses follows stressful incidents. Which of the following types of organisms are commonly single-celled (unicellular)? 15. Treat the substance with nucleases that destroy all nucleic acids and then determine whether it is still infectious. b. nonspecific activation of 2-20% of body's CD8 T cells Prokaryotes and eukaryotes are primarily distinguished by the absence or presence of internal membrane-enclosed organelles. c. prokaryotic cells . b. I would expect to find the photosynthetic enzymes associated with the plasma membrane of the bacteria. A factory with an office that controls the information sent to separate rooms for each of the manufacturing and shipping processes would be analogous to When iodine and starch are mixed together, they form a bluish-black compound that is easily seen. c) viroids O The envelope is only found on RNA viruses. b. Which of the following describes a virus? b. produces the energy needed to run chemical reactions in the cell. Virus b. 25 ppm - Ospreys. c. processing to peptides is not required for T-cell activation A. True or false: Ecological diseases refer to infectious diseases that strictly affect wildlife or cause damage to habitats. The idea that a small amount of radiation may stimulate DNA repair, whereas a large amount of radiation causes cancer, is an example of _____________________. 13-52 _____ participates in the T-cell cytoskeletal reorganization required for T-cell cytokine production and cell-mediated interactions. This problem has been solved! stable chemicals are resistant to degradation and can cause problems long after application and far from the sites where they were originally used. If the bacteria cannot be moved across the WBC membrane, how will the WBC most likely take it in? c. the expression of MHC class I and class II molecules d. pinocytosis. Issues associated with _______________ heath may take up to 15% of the worldwide disease burden by 2020 as conditions such as depression are growing more prevalent in both developed and developing countries. a. C1INH What is the most plausible explanation for the appearance of the blood cells on your slide? a. a. 13-80 Reverse transcriptase is a _____ encoded by _____. Which of the following statements are reasonable conclusions that can be drawn from a recent headline that announced the discovery of 23 pesticides in 16 food samples? Viral genomes consist of what type of nucleic acid molecules? a. I would expect to find the photosynthetic enzymes in the chloroplasts of the bacteria. c. No; although prokaryotic cells are comparatively less efficient than eukaryotic cells, they are still able to carry out the processes necessary for survival and reproduction. The radish cells were hypotonic to the water in which they were soaking. This is because the solution on the left side of the figure is hypotonic while the solution on the right side of the figure is hypertonic. .Know, understand, incorporate, and demonstrate the Mission, Vision, Values and Guiding Behaviors of Trinity Health and LIFE at St. Joseph of the Pines in behaviors, practices, and decisions. 13-48 Individuals with an immunodeficiency affecting B-cell function are more susceptible to infections caused by which of the following pathogens? a. integrase B) Most of the prophage genes are activated by the product of a particular prophage gene. The solution level on the left side of the figure would rise while the solution level on the right side of the figure would decrease. Mutable requirements Emergent requirements Consequential requirements Compatibility requirements SCENARIO: Consider an online shopping portal that allows a customer to browse and purchase different products. 13-24 All of the following are X-linked immunodeficiencies except _____. Yes; without organelles, prokaryotes are unable to bring together the reactants needed for biological reactions. At its 5 end, the RNA genome has a viral protein (VPg) instead of a 5 cap. - for activities we enjoy or find profitable A. HIV is deadly, but doesn't target key cells in the immune system. d. inhibition of peptide transport by transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) b. sorts proteins and lipids and sends them to their final destination. Nearly all substances are toxic depending on the amount, delivery rate, and method. a) They can be spread via the plasmodesmata. d. superantigens The nuclear envelope consists of two concentric phospholipid bilayers while the plasma membrane is only one phospholipid bilayer. d) Double-stranded RNA viruses e) Retroviruses. . So, excluding these clients from both years, we would have recorded revenue growth of 7% in 2022.". B) The focus of nurses is the person with an illness. The measles virus causes brain and skin infections. - possibly spread by humans from one cave to another on their shoes and clothing. The field that specifically deals with the interactions, transformation, fate, and effects of natural and synthetic chemicals in the biosphere, including individual organisms, populations, and whole ecosystems is ______. a) They can be spread via the plasmodesmata. - Exposure to carcinogens can result in invasive, out-of-control cell growth that can cause malignant tumors. Can you add thermal energy to an object without increasing its temperature? Trends in obesity-related illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes show that such diseases are ______. All toxic substances are hazardous, but all hazardous substances are not toxic. c) Positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses b) Viruses can replicate independently of their cellular hosts. d. eukaryotic cells . - Our increasing ability to detect traces of a substance sometimes means that though we can detect it, the level may be too low to cause harm. c. viruses are biotic and bacteria are abiotic . b. antigenic shift B. d. reverse transcriptase. b. DNA-dependent DNA polymerase; influenza virus Show transcribed image text Response curve representing no response for low doses - Line c. The idea of hormesis, the nonlinear effect of a toxin in which a low dose is ______ and high dose is ______, was misapplied in a 2018 rule proposed by the EPA that suggested a little pollution was beneficial to health. a. DNA-dependent DNA polymerase; HIV c) removal of viral proteins - Combined effects of exposure to multiple toxins. answer choices Viruses can eat and metabolize food. What characteristics define an emergent disease? d. massive production of IL-2, IFN-, and TNF- c. T cells; CD8 answer choices Viruses are much smaller than bacteria cells. What are the qualities of PFCs that make them so useful? The three kinds of blood lipoproteins and the differences between their composition and function, Which unit is the larger? This cell is weighed and then placed in a beaker of 3 percent iodine dissolved in water. c. They give an animal cell its shape. Which of the following statements most accurately describes a selectively permeable membrane? Bacteria injects DNA into a host cell. The solution level on the left side of the figure would decrease while the solution level on the right side of the figure would rise. a. b. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) These individuals, who generally communicate through sign language, are an integral part of our society, and their contribution is vital. - Diet-related obesity can lead to illnesses such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. d. completely permeable, Which of the following would be likely to require facilitated diffusion to move across the plasma membrane? c) II 2.Consistently demonstrate (leads by example) LIFE . Bacteria are much larger than viruses, and t View the full answer Transcribed image text: d. it made plymouth a royal colony - Infectious diseases such as diarrhea are on the decline globally. d) induce the formation of prions in the nucleus of the cell. Which of the following groups of people is most likely to have an increased exposure to toxic chemicals because of their job responsibilities? a) Viruses are smaller in size than bacteria. Determine the intensity level of the infrasound 10 km from the source, assuming the sound energy radiates uniformly in all directions. The two strands of DNA separate and serves as a template, and the daughter molecule will have a mix of an old and new strand. Both membranes are selectively permeable and have pores. answer choices. Biomagnification, in the case of a fish-eating osprey, refers to the fact that the ______. a. HIV variants convert from macrophage-tropic to lymphocyte-tropic late in infection e Which of the following statements correctly describes one characteristic of the lytic cycle of viral replication? Which type(s) of chemicals travel through the environment most easily? a. Streptococcus pneumoniae B cells; CR2 Excreting water-soluble salts and other substances - Kidneys. c. The saline you used was hypertonic to the RBCs; this resulted in water osmosing through the RBC plasma membrane mostly out of the cell. D. A virus does not have a cell, produces carbon dioxide, and uses oxygen. d. RAG-1 or RAG-2 b. respiratory syncytial virus c) the proteins in the host's cytoplasm The next day the radishes are crisp and crunchy again. a. transport proteins Spatial variability of soil parameter distribution is crucial to calculating the pile foundation failure probability. Treat the sample with proteases that digest all proteins and then determine whether it is still infectious. d. This manuscript presents a full duplex communication system for the Deaf and Mute (D-M) based on Machine Learning (ML). b. prokaryotic and animal Persistence of chemicals can be a concern for health because such ______. b. the chromosome answer choices Organism that lives on the cell and causes it harm Something that causes harm to the cell Cell that the virus invades and takes over Question 3 120 seconds Q. b. it founded the plymouth colony under a proprietary governor. - mortality data fail to capture the impacts of nonfatal outcomes of disease and injury on human well-being. d. Both membranes consist of two concentric phospholipid bilayers and neither is selectively permeable or has pores. 13-5 All of the following are associated with the ability of influenza virus to escape from immunity except _____. a. classical; alternative pathways of complement The plasma membrane of some white blood cells contain ________ that bind with proteins of cells such as bacteria that have invaded the human body. no longer just for the wealthy, as they are now becoming common in the developing world. What is this speed in meters per second? The cell should lose weight over time because it is hypertonic to the beaker environment and water will leave the cell through osmosis. The County of San Diego Announces an Excellent Entry Level Professional Opportunity AIR QUALITY INSPECTOR I Interviews will take place the week of April 24, 2023. A. Oxygenated blood is taken to the heart, from the lungs into the left atrium via the pulmonary arteries B. Oxygenated blood is taken to the heart, from the lungs into the right atrium via the pulmonary veins a. it created the massachusetts bay colony. C. Viruses contain organelles while bacteria cells do not. a. What does the image depict in the context of environmental toxicology? The nuclear envelope consists of two concentric phospholipid bilayers while the plasma membrane is only one phospholipid bilayer. c. The cell should gain weight over time because it is hypertonic to the beaker environment and water will enter the cell through osmosis. a. the virus inhibits MHC class I expression answer choices They DO respond to a stimulus They need a host's energy because they do not have their own energy d) I, Which of the following characteristics is the largest contributor to determining a virus's host range? d) They have little effect on plant growth. - an ecological disease e) Viral genomes mutate rapidly. c. Epidemics; pandemics Dog attacks. b) retroviruses d. The RBCs were hypertonic to the saline; this resulted in water osmosing through the RBC plasma membrane mostly into the cells. Culture the substance by itself on nutritive medium, away from any plant cells. - Age affects susceptibility to toxins, as chemicals that might be relatively harmless to adults may be dangerous to young children. Membranes budded off of the oil in this mixture. b) the enzymes carried by the virus Multiple Choice Q10 Which viruses have single-stranded RNA that acts as a template for DNA synthesis? Which of the following statements accurately reflect how allergens affect us? The saline you used was isotonic to the RBCs; this resulted in water osmosing through the RBC plasma membrane into and out of the cells at an equal rate. c. I would expect to find the photosynthetic enzymes associated with the mitochondria of the bacteria. d. Every living organism is composed of one or more cells, and all living cells arise from preexisting cells. - Our focus on reducing pollution to protect human health has neglected risks to natural ecological systems that may be of greater ultimate importance. b. proteins. Regulators struggle with how to set acceptable pollution levels based on the dose-response curve because ______. e. human immunodeficiency virus. - better nutrition Which statement accurately describes capitalism? A piece of dialysis tubing has been filled with a cloudy white solution of 5 percent starch, 5 percent egg albumin (protein), and 5 percent glucose (a small sugar) dissolved in water to simulate a cell. Chytridiomycosis (or chytrid fungus) is an ecological disease that affects amphibians and is ______. - LD50 is the dose of the toxin that is lethal to half the population. c) Reverse transcription would no longer be possible. 13-25 Deficiencies in complement components C5-C9 and properdin (factor P) are associated with _____. The solution level on the left side of the figure would rise while the solution level on the right side of the figure would decrease. The color change indicates that the iodine molecules were small enough to diffuse across the membrane and react with the starch inside the cell. Glyphosate - Used as an herbicide, Roundup b. ribosomes - demand protection from every potentially harmful contaminant or accept some exposure as our bodies can repair some damage 13-47 Which of the following statements regarding inherited immunodeficiency diseases is correct? . d. eukaryotic and animal. What does the saying "the dose makes the poison" mean? They a View the full answer Transcribed image text: Which of the following statements accurately describes the difference between bacteria and viruses? transcriptional regulators of HLA class II loci. b. exocytosis. e. antigenic drift. Which of these best describes a virus? b. rough ER d. nucleus, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis. d. palisade mesophyll, Which of the following would be the best analogy for the function of the Golgi apparatus? The radish cells were hypertonic to the water in which they were soaking. a. a plasma membrane, where the pipe cleaners represent the phospholipid bilayer and the ribbon represents proteins embedded in the membrane. Living cells have an intact phospholipid bilayer that separates the cell from its external environment; this structure is commonly referred to as the. c. nuclear pore. Substances that cause invasive, out-of-control cell growth resulting in tumors are called ______. d. hereditary angioedema: C1INH infusions A: Answer- Virus is a submicroscopic infectious agent that is non-living outside the cell and living. Which of the following statements about the potency (strength) of toxic substances is true? b. a cell wall. d. T-cell and B-cell development Dicamba - Used as an herbicide; a plant hormone A mutation in the gene encoding the integrase enzyme (the protein that inserts the dsDNA into a host cell's DNA) renders the protein non-functional. B. ; Patriot Platinum Travel Medical Insurance SM . What is the current trend in the worldwide mental health disease burden? developing countries where many people cannot afford adequate health care or to live in a healthy environment. Which of the following statements about viruses is false? 13-3 A primary immune response against influenza virus produces antibodies that bind to _____. Q. c. hereditary angioedema You are a microbiologist working with a species of bacteria that can perform photosynthesis. These special proteins tell the white blood cells those bacterial cells do not belong to that particular human and to phagocytize (eat) them. The epidermis layer functions like a covering of skin to protect the leaf while vascular bundles carry water and nutrients through the leaf. - The damage to genetic material by mutagens can lead to birth defects if the exposure occurs during fetal development. d. carbon dioxide (CO2), b. sodium ions (Na+), hydrogen ions (H+), sugars, and amino acids. d. immune evasion e. MHC class II. The palisade mesophyll layer is responsible for most of the photosynthesis that occurs while the spongy mesophyll layer underneath it aids in the exchange of gases (CO2 and O2) and water vapor. The dose-response curve showing LD50, as provided here, describes which of the following ideas? Factor related to the toxic agent - Composition and reactivity of the chemical b. impenetrable e. All of the choices are correct. The selective absorption and storage of a great variety of molecules inside cells and tissues at levels that are higher than in the environment is called ______. C. A virus does not eat, use energy, or have cells. "Approximately 88% of our 2022 revenue came from technology-enabled business solutions. The function of photosynthesis is to use solar energy to make ATP; the primary function of respiration is to break down ATP to release energy. Differences in physiology, metabolism, and body size result in species reacting ______ to a specific compound, which makes human risk difficult to estimate.

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