my husband left me because he was unhappy

my husband left me because he was unhappy


They lost a mom too it sounds. And at the time he would be like. I just cant believe its the same person. I was not an angel but I dont think I deserve the treatment Im receiving. Love to hear feedback, please comments welcome. Sorry for your situation i am also dealing with a similar situation I was just told by a woman I have been with for 9 years who is also the mother of our 5yo daughter that we will not be getting married next month as planned she will be getting married to someone else this was completely out of no where considering the past five mo have been nothing but me working no less than 80 hours a week as many as 120 just killing myself to build our house and support our family not only did she leave me alone on Christmas she took my daughter and went to be with this man thats older than her granparents she refused to give me a few hours wth my kid Christmas Day eventually I took my daughter that evening thing I cant figure is she was telling everyone of our apparent wedding date and spending all my money saying how she loves me so much and cant wait to be married just hours before she decided it was not what she wants now being in a smaller town immediately everyone knows i felt really low like Im young and have my own business I felt like I was doin ok trying to build a future and she leaves me for an old man I was not only heartbroken but also felt so embarrassed ashamed angry I couldnt even pick my head up I couldnt look anyone in the eye it has been pretty much the most humiliating horrible thing I have ever experienced as a recovering addict I hit a low that far exceeded my worst days of being a herion addict at this point Im still in what ppl wold consider a risky time period for relaps however its just not an option i just refuse to go back to that miserable exestiance being fully clean I felt alive for the first time in years I was feeling happier than Id ever been my life was going great I just couldnt be thankful enough I was at an all time high in life my daughter was just doing great got my business going beautiful woman life was just perfect and then it happened hit a low I never knew where did this come from this woman I trusted with my life how could she just leave me I never thought I could feel so horrible using has not been an issue I know the outcome and I dont need it never got a sorry or nothing not a dam thing it just goes on an on the things got worse and worse big mess she just wont stop trying to ruin my life point is my friend I made really do love this woman more than I can express but I have chosen to sever this wicked witch from my life other than picking up or dropping off my kid as much as it hurts not to fight for her she must not love anyone but herself if she is so willing to risk putting my daughter into a broken home possibility of triggering relapse that will certainly end my life the shame she puts on all of us the lies told for months in church to her parents that happen to be the most amazing ppl I have ever known broke their hearts as well due to their religious stand point and the relationship I have with them this was very disappointing to them disappointed is an understatement I actually was feeling bad about how much it hurt them I couldnt believe it these ppl loved me and their grandchild so much that it really really destroyed their hopes after all they had done to help us get our lives together including the financial means to build a house that was for the three of us something I could not have ever imagined living in without them I originally was doing the house just to help them do whatever they wanted to do with it but then they were just like by the way when its done you guys can have it we only worked nights weekends on it because I never would let them pay me even when I had no idea they would give it to us just because they had already done so much for me in the years I been with their daughter one of the harder things about loosing my girl was that I love her parents like they were my own and I have for many years through all this nothing will ever change between her parents and myself that is a big help I try not to be angry its not been but a matter of days Im up and down I just cant be with a woman that is so selfish and put my daughter through any more than she has endured she has been through enough and I dont have time to give my relationship it all needs to focus on my daughter not to mention that her mother has not shown or made any indication that she is sorry or even willing to come back if you feel like you cant live without her you can I feel the same way but I know I have loved before and I can again in time so can you if you feel you can work it out and move forward with a good result go for it this is not the first time this woman has done this to me you see we have been down this road and all I can say is this was the last time I already know she will make an attempt to come back at some point but I can not let her as much as it hurts and I want to be with her were humans too we deserve better than the pain that type of situation puts us in most times they do it once they will do it again I also have found that in my experience the more beautiful she is on the outside the person in that beautiful shell is ugly rotten there are girls that are beautiful all the way around you just have to be willing to look for them cause they are out there then you gotta be smart enough not to let them get away no matter what no woman is out of any mans league thats just what ppl say that dont have the confidence to get what they want dont feel like you have to accept being cheated on because your not gonna find someone better thats just not true and inner beauty is the way to go Ive had relationships with both and the the pretty ones always make life unbearable I have only met a small handful of women that were beautiful and not messed up in the head beyond repair I have met tons of girls I was not attracted to that by the end of a conversation were suddenly starting to be interesting eventually I become very attracted to and they have been the best girlfriends hands down this has been my personal experience I dont know if it helps but writing about it helps me and hopefully you werent like me and your woman was cheating with an old man this girl is super hot 26 and she is sleeping with an old man I mean like sixty thats just I hope thats not your situation its pretty damaging to my pride manhood whatever but in reality its not me what sane person does that I thought what if I did that to her with some old woman no thanks Im not into it even if I was Id be ashamed enough not too be open about it so if anything you can get a laugh out of it I used to always joke with this girl about her doin this when we watched the movie big daddy once and after that it was just a little joke we had apparently I was joking ok well I hope you come to solution that leaves you happy I am not happy about the choice I made but I just have to do it its hard to imagine the woman you love being with someone thats not you no matter how old or young either way it still hurts and makes you feel like life is over but u gotta take care of the little ones gotta be their dad nobody can be his or her dad better than u and dont go back into something you know is over but you dont want to accept it thats what I did even when she told me she loved me I knew she didnt but she would lie to me and i would pretend like she was telling the truth because I didnt want to accept it was really over for good at some point I knew I would have to so now is as good as any good luck to you I hope you get the best possible outcome just remember your not any less important than her if you let yourself slip into that idea they will walk all over you but I dont know I dont want to give bad advice thats just my experience everything I said is the way it happened for me but cant say for anyone else women are all a little bit crazy in some way guess we all are, Stay strong brotha. They then make efforts to reel you in again ! This has to be an affair right? I cannot comprehend my life without her. he is getting laid off in I think 2 weeks and will be working back in bc and she will still be out there in a camp? I later found out she moved into the house her male boss was selling. Its just interesting that two years went by and he never once mentioned anything about being unhappy since the former conversation but felt justified to leave because he had a conversation two years prior to him leaving. I will follow this for now. When he returned he agreed to go to marriage counseling. He was very excited on Friday regarding his news that two lots became available and was texting me of how excited he was. This may help resolve the issue. My kids are suffering too. Its safe to say its probably in the bloodline, and Ive got great role models there. I am now trying some dating sights.Right away some girl that claimed to live in Texas started e mailing me telling me how she loved me profile and this and that.Anyway i did a background check and found out this young lady lives in the other side of Africa.In Giane.She was trying to tell me that she needed money for documents to come to be with me..Yea right! Fight for yourself, believe in yourself and never ever blame yourself for the ignorance of others. This isnt him. Now grab that bull by its horns and take a stand!!! From my perspective your husband saying that he is not happy could mean several things: 1. When I came back to get rental I found hidden inside a mint bottle Vicodin and soma pills that were in two sets of boxes. There had been so many years apart and having four children between the two of us makes moving forward difficult to say the least. I know for some people, strength is a lot more difficult to find within, and some people may not have a support network around them, but with Mint Movement, I want you to know you are not alone. When I left my mairriage of 8 years and finally divorce after 14 years I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I will never go back to my ex husband. Why hasnt society caught up with that? Its etched in my mind. Im paralyzed and just dont know where to begin? Part of me wants him to come Home and tell me you made a big mistake. As soon as we arrived in our new location, he started acting weird again. Part of the reason was because he was working too much and I was left to take care of the children while dealing with my emotional issues. Sage, yah that sounds like an affair and it sounds like she is admitting to it in her own way. He said he dnt wanna b wid her or even me right now. I have other kids from a previous relationship and I felt saddened by it all at first. 7 months later the oldest child wouldnt give up on me and finally broke through to her mom that she needed me. I cant eat, sleep or focus at work. a train when It stops you only have two choices get off and get on another train or stay on and go in reverse. I have been rejected by my husband after three(3) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. Im heartbroken and sad for out two boys who love him so much. Or he /she is crazy!!! We have two children whom are now adults, with the youngest being 18. I split with my ex on Christmas. I genuinely believe she has and will continue to put the children in even remote danger by having what I would consider strangers move into their place. I was a new mother to a 3-month-old baby girl. My break up was a combination of factors above and under each one Andra (the author) has captured the essence. In his mind he asked for emotions and he asked for love and he didnt get it for me. Ohh they are just girls. Everyone I know has been together for years and are still madly in love. My wife is leaving me after 11 years of marriage. Someone else would have appreciated it and been there with me. I have to try and stay strong for myself and my children but its so hard. I am breaking apart because I am getting the divorce process in place but I love my wife. I sought crisis respite because I did not want to be around while he packed up happily to leave. We were happy. Young women make sure you know all about a man before you commit because those few less desirable traits you have some doubts about may end up becoming major aspects of his character. Information about what to do in a crisis is available here: I then made the mistake of writing down what had happened to me when I was a child (I had, over the years, told my wife all of this this was my first time ever writing it down) and from completely out of the blue my wifes response was to say that she knows Im in pain over all of this but that she no longer loves me, and that she wants a divorce, and that she does not see us ever getting back together. I will not lie to you, this will not be easy, but I can promise YOU WILL feel relief from staying true to yourself. So it isnt like he will be able to have her for sleepovers. Practice letting go. I feel exactly the same as you Try and stay strong, I know how it feels. Then what, it is just so sad. Unlike bipolar or schizophrenia, a personality disorder is NOT a chemical imbalance! I have just left my partner of 16 years. You still have a chance to fix this. Please help I feel like Im drowning and dont know how to protect my kids from the pain they will feel, I feel horrible for you, this is going to be a very hard time but youre going to have to focus on the kids. my wife of 25 years had a facebook affair with a strange man from the UK she had this affair online for eight months.and they met only 10 month after his wife died. This order is supposed to save lives not ruin them. I feel alone, hurt and abandoned. Rediscover that now. I have no respect. What part of the country are you in? I just wish I could hit fast forward. Instead of moving on and doing whats best for themselves, they take out all their anger and sadness on anyone who will listen to them. Its been hard. Jesus did not ever condone abusive behavior but he also didnt give you a right to judge your partner in a mental or physical illiness. I was upset and he kept making fun of me and saying that he just follows the kids and that he is not waiting until the princess is happy. I dont want to hear oh hes a jerk for leaving or he probably found someone else. Im sad, I want him back more than anything else in my life, so right now I cant think past hoping my phone rings, that he emails me, comes back to me..cause truth is, he probably isnt and I dont want to deal and dont know how to deal with that. Its not you though,youjust do your best for your kids and do your best to just move on. Brutal to walk in and every turn have that in your face, and it wasnt perfect but I came back everyday after work. I dont want him to go. This will be hated financially. It took some comments by others, even his own family to see how much I compensated and accommodated. I felt we became room mates and no longer husband and wife. Jeez, sounds like the 26 year itch. Weve had a strained relationship for a while due to our busy work schedule but I never thought he would do this it doesnt make sense its all so final he wont go to relate because itll be the same answer he says!! She sounds like shes crazy now. These are really dated terms. She was the main person I talked to and let her manage things. Im on a dead end relationship and cant leave because of my kids. Now, I see that dream, it just that, a dream. So sad .. Hi Susan how is your leg? And if you talk to them about it, they might be able to help you get through it faster. If you have to question them or yourself 9 times out of 10 there is a good reason for this. CassieD Im in Pennsylvania. Part of me thinks shes simply selfish and refuses to work out our problems. Thank God we dont have any children involved! Well I agree that these might be some of the reasons people leave, but I disagree with the coping responses. When they returned she told me shes been unhappy and is leaving me. My husband made cupcakes for my daughter and every home game for two seasons for four years of high school. Just found out my husband of almost 9 years is cheating on me online with a gay person. She has quite a few friends and is self reliant. Yes, it sucks, but im young, and life does go on i suppose only time will tell if this is a permanent seperation or not. I do not try to figure out why as it only makes me sad. Its so weird! My world is upside down right now with no end in sight. And thats not bad advice either, but self-help books are incredibly helpful for getting over your pain. Every morning I wish I did not have to wake up because it is a torture for me to go through the day feeling pain. They all go to the same school and population is 800 so no escape. Letting go of what hurts may be difficult but it's possible. What determines a family in 2019? Im living the same right now married 12 years and 2 kids 9 and 11 yrs old. Abuse should definitely be on the list. Slept in the living room the last 3 nights because he fell asleep out there. All the sudden a the end of the 30 days, he wanted to come home and go to counseling. I dont feel like I can go on without her. WHY??? My virginity was stolen from me raped at the age of 14 by 2 people I thought were my friends. 3. Im 33. I didnt like the use of pronouns on this articlehe feels unappreciated, she met someone else, he doesnt love you anymore. I think its horrid because they are not educated and working as a medical professional in the industry they are giving really bad advice. By Saturday morning I am calling nonstop everyone, her parents etc. And who are the casualties in all this? Soooo I look like this demise is my fault, because I wasnt invested in our marriage. My wife had insisted on getting a new house before we were ready. Then we play/claim victim. If you are not than this is a problem that needs solved, as I am sure you would be right at his side if roles were reversved. One thing I am scared of is that my heart as sensible to all the facts as is it is not closed towards him. That word has been gone for a long time. I totally agree, people shouldnt feel like they can just leave if the spark is not there anymore. It's pathetic, but true. Instead she has communicated with anothr man things hav developed. I hope that when and if you do, that you will use this experience to help others who going through some unbelievable HELL!!! Would tell them I would rather be at work than at home knowing. Dont want to share this with anyone hoping he will see sense. Throughout this ordeal I have been understanding, not dramatic at all, calm and have not said much when he tries to engage me in a fight. Forgiveness is a choice, and when you make the decision and act on it, the feelings will eventually be there. and more lately photos on the Internet with him on holiday with a past flirt that came to light on a social net work . 2. Sex left the building and life really took over and the issue of lack of intimacy would come up always from her as to why how come we never have sex anymore and then over more time, and even after attending marriage counselling together it never did get resolved. I think you need to look inside yourself and ask yourself what you,Dan needs and deserves. Anytime l confronted him about anything l was TRIPPING. Change your life train. I dont understand how someone can throw you out of your own house . I could not agree with you more. I am dealing with being invited to his brothers for thanksgiving. As the weeks turn into Month I am beginnning to think it was for the best. I am aware that this is poisoning my heart and rationally speaking I know I must forgive. Our younger teen lives with me in the family home and the two of us are hoping the court will allow us to move closer to family out of state. I truly dont know what to do. Wow, that sucks.feel terrible that you have to go through that especially when youve been so patient with all of her disabilities. I tried under the circumstances but we need temporary help moving forward.. And more, Only 5? He also uses the excuse that my 2 sons, not his btw, are too much for him to handle. Coming back from an affair is possible, but most often the trust is severed and cannot be recovered. 6. she wants to become a UK citizen, to do that she has to marry this man. he left his family for another women who is 25 and pregnant now, she has a daughter that she lost custody of because of drugs and he is now doing drugs. Kept promises: A promise, is a promise, is a promise, unless you are married to a narcissist. I been with my sons father for 8 years and throughout the whole 8 years he never treated me like a real person he always treated me like I was one of his friends and I never had the respect given from him to me but anyhow I stayed in this relationship it was rocky on and off I even left eight months in 2013 and he came back in 2014 of December and things have not been right every since I asked him cuz he have a history of cheating on me while we were in our relationship and always ask about other people were there at and why do you choose to keep coming back well I got a bit of a surprise in January of 2015 I was with him and that was the last time Ive been with him I found out that he have had a friend on the side and Im actually okay with that because the relationship has been rocky since the beginning so I just want to know why he didnt tell me straight forward that he was leaving me for another woman.

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