eight of swords friendship

eight of swords friendship


They can confuse you at first but at second glance reveal the truth about your counterpart. Join the waitlist for the All-New Biddy Tarot Deck, The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings, Intuitive Tarot: 31 Days to Learn to Read Tarot Cards and Develop Your Intuition, The Tarot Readers Blueprint for Attracting Clients. No one is an island, nor are we ever completely alone, and there is always a dock for your boat. The cards are placed in past, present and future positions. Be open to alternative ideas and change your perspective. Trust yourself. This feeling of helplessness that you have, the feeling that you have no agency in your life, has played a major role in making your situationworse. The reversed 8 of Swords however, can at times also signify just the opposite. Catch yourself when you are in a negative thought pattern and break the cycle. When the Eight of Swords is reversed, there is a tendency to rationalize, justify and project blame onto others. There are eight swords placed strategically around her in a way that restricts her movement as though she is in some kind of trap or jail. In a general context, the Eight of Swords reversed can represent release, freedom, escape and finding solutions and options. The suit of Pentacles represents money problems when the Eight of Swords appears amidst a few cards of that suit. By fomenting self-doubt in yourself and having little confidence in yourself, you will have great difficulty in realizing your desires in life. Put off your inner shackles and approach potential partners. You are ready or almost ready to move beyond your fears. He has little confidence in himself, which causes him to fall far short of his actual potential and remain in place. Enjoy the freedom that being single gives you and dedicate yourself to your desires and goals that you still want to achieve in life. Are you feeling trapped and overwhelmed by your current situation, with seemingly no way out? Remember that you do have the power to change things, so long as you open your eyes to all possibilities, and dont let fear take over. You may feel like things are closing in on you right now when it comes to your financial situation. Eight of Swords. The Eight of Swords reveals that you feel trapped and restricted by your circumstances. Promise. Perhaps it was in your childhood or prior to a recent breakup. Got questions? Want to become a more powerful Tarot reader? There are six cards in the Tarot deck with the number eight and each of them depicts a situation where you can gain by simply understanding the boundaries in a given situation, relationship or an important area of your life. Perhaps the suit is a warning that you'll corner yourself into oblivion if you rely purely on thoughts and logic. It truly asks you to know your own strength. We do not know. Do not dwell too much on yesterday, but look ahead. There are ways to get what you want, dont give into fear. with The Tarot Guide? It is not as clear-cut as you would like, making the decision very difficult. Eight swords surround her, seemingly trapping her in place, a symbol of the limiting thoughts, beliefs and mindset that prevent her from moving forward in her life. If youve recently purchased something expensive, you might be keeping it in good condition but remember, its there to be used. This often doesnt yield results. You need to work on finding inner contentment for yourself. Just take the first step. Despite problems, if you continue it will all be worth it. The illustration of a blindfolded and bound woman indicates a closed mind and all discussion ended. When you are feeling creative, you often have many great ideas. Further, the Eight of Swords reveal the nature of the suit regarding its tendency of analyzing and . You are not powerless. Many eights in a reading suggest a strong, positive change in your life. When the 8 of Swords appears in a love tarot reading, you may be feeling trapped; do you feel smothered in a relationship, or in a now stale partnership you cannot leave? This could relate to a job you just didnt enjoy, a place you were living, people you didnt like being around but are now free from. This card is the foundation of the other cards bearing an eight that follow it. You might want to have more time for yourself and meet friends without your partner. In addition to two cards in the Major Arcana (Strength, numbered 8 and The Moon, numbered 18), there is an Eight of Swords, Wands, Pentacles and Cups. The power is in your hands. Nobody will save you except yourself. This is a major moment! You will feel how lovable your environment finds you and that you can find a partner for life like every human being. Read below to see the boundaries that each one of these eights signifies when it appears in your Tarot reading. The swords depicted in the card are surrounding you but you can take the blindfold off and walk away at any time! Key dates: May 21 to May 31 The Eight of Swords means for your health that you feel very depressed. The bound woman, blindfolded and surrounded by swords. For some reason, there is unnecessary fear surrounding a situation. Judge yourself by the standards you hold your adversary to, before you get caught in a trap of your own making. Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed) Eight of swords is part of the minor arcana group. A woman in a flowing robe is blindfolded and her torso bound. Look to supporting cards to confirm which meaning applies. A good card to draw in the Eight of Swords reversed shows you have defeated problems in the past, you no longer feel trapped and are ready for future challenges. Do you have a talent that someone else would pay for? Other than those two, the Eight of Swords brings out the worst entropy-like energy from Major Arcana cards. As such, it can also indicate that severe depression will have a negative effect on your relationship or, if you are in an abusive relationship, that your partners controlling behaviour will escalate to extremes. However, it seems as though whoever built the trap was a little lazy or hasty, leaving some open space where she could escape. We would recommendspeaking to a live Tarot reader to get the best understanding of The Eight of Swords in relation to your life. All rights reserved. The Eight of Swords Reversed Tarot card stands for being open and tolerant in your partner search. And that, my darling, is when we can make major life-altering changes to create a new reality: a life even better than we previously imagined. As you take off the blindfold, take a long clear look at your romantic life. In a relationship, the Eight of Swords Reversed reveals that you radiate tremendous power and energy as a couple. When you demand that people heed your word, people may not be around much longer. II. You will soon have the opportunity to gain new freedom in an important area of your life. The Ultimate Guide to Tarot. Draw your Daily Tarot Card now for free! Talk to a mental health professional or confide in family and friends. With all tarot meanings and more, this book is a comprehensive guide on using tarot for introspection, self-understanding and inner growth. You will be feeling the pressure when this appears and may be in crisis or going through a dilemma or drama. Upright Nine of Swords Meaning. Our tarot workbook guides you to your own unique understanding of the tarot. Below you will learn everything about its meaning both in the upright and reversed position. Just follow your gut feeling and trust your intuition. You might feel stuck or in a cycle. You may be feeling powerless when it appears, this can take the form of feeling trapped in your life or confined to a religion or spiritual path. NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards. With time you will be able to remove the bandage around your eyes and see new abilities and talents in yourself, which were previously hidden from you by your self-doubt. You can stand up to an abusive spouse even if he is supporting the two of you. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and you can create a more positive reality for yourself by letting go of those self-limiting beliefs. Swords represent ideas and communication. Sign up now to begin your initiation ritual , 2016-2023 Labyrinthos LLC. On the one hand, you want to move forward and face the critical situation. The Eight of Swords reversed is your cosmic reminder that you are the author of your own story and the creator of your own reality. Dont force anything or demand any old repayments because this will only backfire, instead be gentle and calm about it. The same work routines are getting to you and you hardly can unfold your true potential. Why do we fear bad but enjoy good? Therefore, be mindful and do not hesitate when the opportunity presents itself. When the Eight of Swords is dealt out into the present position during your Tarot reading, it is at its strongest. You may be over-thinking things, creating negative patterns or limiting yourself by only considering the worst-case scenario. Doubts grow quickly, whether you are up to the new tasks at all. It is time to get out of your head and let go of those thoughts and beliefs holding you back. A minimalist iconographic tarot card deck printed with gold foil on sleek, matte, recycled plastic. Another aspect of the Eight of Swords Reversed is that you do not feel bound to the idea of entering into a relationship at any price. But first. Bad and good are two things on the same scale. You may feel that it isnt your fault you have been placed here against your will. Past You might feel trapped in the past but youre away from that now and experiencing a new level of freedom. The person does not let himself be chained by ineffective ways of thinking but gives his thoughts free space. By being open to different character traits, you will have much more choice of partners and also get to know and possibly even love many different sides of people. Do you want to know what today holds for you? It is not a partners job to fix your life and if thats what you are waiting for you are likely to either put potential partners off as they sense your desperation or to attract the wrong type of relationship. You should be feeling empowered and hopeful in relation to love. Only you can free yourself from these chains. Seven of Swords.--R. Understanding self-awareness can open your eyes to seeing how your behavior affects everyone else as well as yourself. Take a break from your friends and see if your life improves. In addition, the Eight of Swords can indicate strong self-doubt concerning professional requirements. Your inner strength consists of skills such as perseverance, problem solving and courage, with the help of which you will master any challenge in your life with confidence. Others may be offering you help, or there may be an alternative solution you havent yet fully explored. You may be feeling like you cannot escape but that is only your perception! Draw your Love Tarot Card now for free! As soon as your intuition shows you a way out, trust it and courageously go your way. But as soon as you can think a little clearer again, you will suddenly see new opportunities that arise from the new situation. Gemini. It might even be slightly beneficial to stay with one group and shun the other. In a relationship, the Eight of Swords symbolizes strong feelings of confinement and being locked up. 63. Present Life isnt at all without struggle or pain. Life might seem tough right now but just remember that its only a transitional period and the pain will go. However, take note that the woman in the card is not entirely imprisoned by the eight swords around her, and if she wanted to escape, she could. Firstly, find someone to talk to about your problems; whether they are physical or mental. If you hate your current situation that much, you do have the power to change it. The Moon or Strength cards appearing in a reading indicate that you will find a way out of your mess. The gloomy slate gray sky underscores that boundaries ignored can lead to isolation. Alternatively, it can be an indication that your anxiety around dating has reached such an extreme that it is paralysing when it comes to finding a partner. You made it through a difficult time, and you are more open to change and self-acceptance. Each Tarot reading occurs at a unique moment in time. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones, and you will start to create a more favourable situation for yourself. However, on the other extreme, it can also represent severe depression and feeling like suicide is the only way out. Anxiety may make you feel like you have less options than you actually do. Labyrinthos is an online tarot school that aims to bring the ancient ritual of tarot for a modern practice. This card indicates that you may find you are ready for healing, to ask for help and to overcome obstacles. It enables you to stand back from your situation and see yourself from the outside. Therefore, you should already plan enough time for recovery. It signifies relieving pressure, releasing anxiety and facing fears and truths. Keywords for the Queen of Swords Matriarch, perception, female intuition, first impressions Other associations of the Queen of Swords Element: Air As a Yes or No question: Yes I - Ace of Swords II - Two of Swords III - Three of Swords You might be being ridiculed and feeling ostracised by your so-called friends. You have found a common path in life, which you follow together, whereby no mountain is too high and no water is too deep for you. How strong this message is depends on the surrounding Cards in the Reading, the Querant and the Question. A woman is blindfolded and bound in the plains, while eight swords are firmly planted in the ground surrounding her. Inner strength means opening your eyes and seeing the world as it is and not as you would like it to be. The thing to do is to simply walk away, to anywhere else, as a way to establish good boundaries. EIGHT OF SWORDS. Discover Your FREE Personalized Tarot Power Cards, UPRIGHT: Negative thoughts, self-imposed restriction, imprisonment, victim mentality, REVERSED: Self-limiting beliefs, inner critic, releasing negative thoughts, open to new perspectives. Sometimes this card can be associated with trauma - one which may be shameful for you to confide with others about, and all the psychological responses that come from experiencing that trauma. All of the things that you are putting up with in the present can lead you into a position where suddenly you are kept from all the possibilities of life outside a narrow scope. However, on the flip side the Eight of Swords reversed card can be an indication of extreme oppression, surrendering to pressure or being completely paralysed by fear and severe depression. Another aspect of the Eight of Swords Reversed is that you should not make your happiness dependent only on the extent of your wealth. All this didnt just happen to youyou participated in this dynamic as well. Eight of Swords Reversed Tarot CardKey Meanings: In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship the Eight of Swords reversed can represent releasing your fears or anxiety regarding your relationship and overcoming obstacles so it can be a good omen if you have been experience anxiety about the relationship. A simple, minimalist tarot deck featuring intricate hand drawn images and simple holographic back. Things can be a bit easier now, and your vision is less clouded from stress or fear. There are eight swords placedstrategically around herin a way that restricts her movement as though she is in some kind of trap or jail. This card is a strong warning when it appears in the future position. That way, when you read the details that follow, you will be able to fully relate. If you are doing well financially at the moment, you may want to start saving a little rainy day money to make you feel more secure in your financial stability. The Eight of Wands illustrates how having too many options can often simply lead to chaos. Theres something you need to get off your chest about your well-being. When it is in the future position, consider that you may be on a path that leads to disappointment, perhaps even one that traps you into a life of casual comfort from which you lose all hope escaping because the lack of stimulation has left you with no imagination. We deny ourselves possibilities when we are too scared of doing the hard work of communicating our boundaries or standing up for ourselves. However, do not rush your activities, but slowly get used to your new freedom. In a general context, the Eight of Swords reversed can represent release, freedom, escape and finding solutions and options. The Eight of Swords card is representative of the times when you find yourself lost and confused, with no chance of help and relief. In the beginning, this is certainly difficult because intense feelings of grief and fear cloud our view of things. You can choose to change your direction whenever you want, if you will it to be so. Learn the basics of the ancient esoteric tradition of tarot by starting your initiation ritual! It signifies relieving pressure, releasing anxiety and facing fears and truths. Cute! You lack drive for your daily tasks and threaten to slide into depression. Your intuition sends you important messages, especially on an emotional level. If you are single, the Eight of Swords reversed indicates that you may have let go of any fear or anxiety that had been holding you back from finding love. The Eight of Swords represents being stuck and being frustrated in life . Theyre both valuable experiences; its how we define them that is the source of unwanted pain. Ace of Swords: Rely more on friendships that have a big amount of clarity in them. This doesn't necessarily mean everything is going to be horrible, but this is a situation you can't ignore. For your finances, the Eight of Swords means that you have lost track of your income and expenses. You may feel like the victim, waiting to be rescued, but is this energy serving you? A visit to the optician can save you from more serious vision damage. It might not be as bad as you think. As a destiny card, the Eight of Swords stands for the fact that you are a prisoner of your fears and doubts. When reversed, it is a Minor Arcana card of self-belief, ignoring criticism, standing up to abuse and taking back control. You can do this with a free tarot readingfrom our experienced, highly-recommended experts atKeenandPsychic Source. The Eight of Swords is a card that is stronger and more intense when it is in the company of cards from the Major Arcana. Eight of Swords of the Tarot is an Arcana of containment, stalemate, doubt. Working with both private and corporate clients, Sarah has shared the magic of color and Tarot with thousands of clients over the years to promote self-empowerment, problem solving, and amplified intuitive skills through lectures, workshops, retreats, and one on one services. This is a card that insists you develop empathy for others. Anxieties may be lifted, and it can now be clear to you what needs to be done in order to feel happier in your romantic life. Do you want to know how your health situation is developing? All beginnings are difficult, which is why you should exercise patience. Read tarot cards? This is a card that is confronting you with the stagnant aspects of your current situation. On your future path, there will be several forks that will confuse you. When reversed, it is a Minor Arcana card of self-belief, ignoring criticism, standing up to abuse and taking back control. This is the card that insists you move on from an overwhelming emotional situation. Draw your Destiny Tarot Card now for free! Or, the . Comes with a tarot journal, spread compendium, and reference sheets. As you change your thoughts, you change your reality. However, the flip side of this card can indicate severe depression or oppression. The Eight of Swords also represents that you feel very powerless and exhausted in your relationship. You can choose to change your direction whenever you want, if you will it to be so. You should have a renewed sense of confidence having tackled recent struggles. There is nobody around the tied-up victim, she has her shoes on and could begin walking away from all those swords. Her upper body is also tied with several ropes, which make it impossible for her to move her arms freely and to free herself from the bandage around her eyes. Draw your Career Tarot Card now for free! If you get something without earning it, you will not value it or feel achieved. With the Eight of Swords, you are in intellect and logic, and one should think how happy the Swords must be now that they are with friends. You are strongly constrained in your actions by a past event. Acknowledge the options in front of you and refuse to play the role of the victim, taking greater accountability for where you are in life. The Nine of Swords is often associated with fear and anxiety, about all the things that worry you and keep you up at night. The bright blue sky shows a groundless scene of eight walking sticks, or wands, being tossed in the air. Seeing the Eight of Swords in the future position warns you that current comforts may become tomorrows ties that bind. You already have the resources you need, but it is up to you to use those resources in a way that serves you. She has written many articles on a variety of topics within the spirituality niche, including Psychics & Mediums, Tarot & Angel Readings, Love & Relationships, Spells & Magic and Astrology & Horoscopes (the topic of her e-book). A minimalist and modern lenormand card deck printed with gold foil on sleek, matte, recycled plastic. It signifies a strong level of energy which states that different aspects of your life will be trailblazing. It's time tofree ones self from the past and proverbially clear out their closet, creating room for new things and experiences. You can come through this, dont give up! Are they rising or falling? You may feel powerless because, in yourmind, youfeel that changing the situation might be beyond you. Meaning of Eight of Swords Linestrider. The Eight of Pentacles reversed means something has either gone too far or isn't going far enough. Even if one of you gets stuck or cant move forward, the other partner will use all their strength to help and rejoin the common path. Eight of Swords Reversed Meaning. Working just for the money will not make you happy in the long run. This card shows a scary scene of a woman that is blindfolded and surrounded by swords. Our app teaches you with simple, easy to use exercises while exploring our academy. You feel very restricted concerning your finances and often worry about not having enough money to pay your bills. (A little dramatic, right?) While the Swords are the freedom of mind; conflicts are pre-programmed. Cute! You may feel you do not have a back up plan, or other positions, jobs or career paths available to you right now. Introduction: When the reversed 8 of Swords appears, you may be about ready to take some important steps and changes in your life, after having made some careful assessments. Sometimes we truly are our own worst enemies, but when we acknowledge the ways were restricting our own power, we can shift our perspectives in order to be more proactive, positive, and empowered. And P.S. Your thoughts are the cornerstone of your actions, so pay attention to what you think. By fomenting self-doubt in yourself and . Join the waitlist for the All-New Biddy Tarot Deck (coming soon!). Reflect on what worked in the past and changed your perspective and approach. Thereby you neglect many aspects which are very relevant to you. The desolate landscape is under a dreary and cloudless gray sky. The womans inner strength has caused the king of the beasts to lovingly submit. In a financial Tarot spread, the Eight of Swords reversed again indicates that you have either released your worries or fear about finances and are in a much more mentally healthy place or you have become more entrenched in your anxiety. The picture looks bleak and yet a closer look reveals that it might not be as bad as it seems at first glance. Through this strategy, you learn to look at a problem from different angles and can create a new solution for yourself from a correspondingly large number of approaches.

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