camp tien sha danang, vietnam 1968

camp tien sha danang, vietnam 1968


Well we I couldn't grasp what was going on at the time. really an enclosure. Then walk the length of pier re-installing any buffer pads that might have come out. "Sorry that's all we have!" sat idle. I would share it with my team mates but a lot of it I gave to the Vietnamese children at the Clinic or whenever I worked off base. It is very likely this was were the Marines were killed . Made a very good impression on me, I didn't even consider it my whole time in Vietnam ! Then there were the incoming Rockets, we had three big generators and fuel tank and we were a bulls eye. Download this Camp Tien Sha photo now. On the technical [1], The logistic establishment at Danang functioned with growing efficiency by mid-1968 as it built new port and shore facilities. On the evening of May 23 we got a knew man in, Karl Voiles. Here is a poem that I wrote about the helicopter. There were 6 area work centers in the Da Nang AO . Her husband was an ARVN soldier who had been killed. VIETNAM WAR 1968-1969 by Richard Calmes - PBase I stretched it to it's T is a history of NSA in Vietnam, which by 1969 was the Navy's largest overseas command with the largest public works department in the world. Our electricians went to wire up the building for electricity. Although the rules were they had to go back and check out. I finished the shower and got Vietnam War Wannabes | Page 3 | Senior Forums ( We called the Army Republic Of Vietnam police white mice because they were small, wore white helmets white web belts, white pistol holsters and white spats.) Da Nang - What you need to know before you go - Go Guides - Hotels thought though was he was just putting on a show for us new guys. thought about was the airbase in Danang was under attack, This is the day I started my real job. What the F is wrong with her? Jeep parts? This is the poem I wrote about the little girl who died from gangrene. with her work. Once at the PTF base the jeep Amphibious fuel lines were laid along the sea floor to storage tanks ashore at Red Beach Base Area, north of the city and the Marines' Marble Mountain Air Facility to the south. It is a code of conduct course as much as it teaches the practical issues of survival. The number of rockets are probably plus or minus a couple rockets. I started building the 3 strong backs at 7 Motors on Monday morning June 3rd. Even then every time the Doc cut through a nerve that farmer would try to fly through the roof! There are other memories of my time working at the clinic. I even passed an enlisted sailor with a can of white paint and he was Us transit guys were on two section duty (port and starboard was the Navy term for that). I served there and just would like to hear from some of the guys that was there. line. Our group that was sent to MST1 landed in The nurses were all Vietnamese and were employed there so I would often see the same nurses. camp tien sha danang, vietnam 1968. I was going to have to hit the ground running if I intended to stay with this team. There were other things to screw up the nights. kms.) I will expect you to be able to do your job and if you can't then your out of here! Report an offensive or inappropriate entry. The next weekend I asked about the farmer ? I had my sailboat and some The harbor defense unit used landing craft, picket boats and 16 feet (4.9m) Boston Whalers to monitor and protect the maritime traffic. [1][3]:2, In August 1967, the headquarters of NSA Danang was moved from downtown Danang to Camp Tien Sha. I had to make a quick exit when the patients got excited when I walked towards the main ward! Later after they landed it became obvious that they were throwing out the ammo boxes so they wouldn't explode when they landed. He was honorably discharged in 1968 after completing his tour in Vietnam, as Petty . Camp Horn - Wikipedia Shortly after 1000 hr the team expediter showed up and I was introduced to him . I heard the distant crack of rifle fire and then my brain said holy shit, somebody is shooting at me!! With chow finished I had the rest of An electrician CN (E-3). China Beach Vietnam - China Beach in Da Nang - China - Destination 360 Her top was not buttoned and she had a gauze bandage about the size of a tea plate on her chest up to her neck. [4]:2[2], In August 1967, the headquarters of NSA Danang was moved from downtown Danang to Camp Tien Sha. Barracks damage in Danang, Vietnam - 1967 | The first half o | Flickr No. The MPs left in a hurry. It had been built the end of April so was brand new. Well I never did hear from Barbee. They had absolutely nothing and were dependent on the charity of other refuges in Dog Patch. I was shocked when he told me she was only 15 years old! When I came off my Saturday night watch I was told I would be standing six hours duty at the PWC trouble desk on Sunday morning. UKC Forums - China Beach, Vietnam - United Kennel Club Often times during a rocket or mortar attack rounds would over shoot landing in Hoa Kahn or Dog Patch ,providing children for the Clinic. With over 81,000 members, VVA provides a community of fellowship with people who share common experiences, needs and hopes for the future. The lumber and wood crates in upper right was the start of our lumber yard. You'll see the plumes of smoke, fireballs and falling debris from the explosion of the DaNang ammo dump on April 27, 1969 -- and close ups of some of the damage to buildings and barracks. I didn't understand at that time the danger of rocket attacks. Another source for jungle fatigues was up at Camp Reasoner. Camp Tien Sha Vietnam - It was very clear that they did not want a FNG getting in their way. We had to give Puppy away as we were not even supposed to have a dog. For the time being they were stashed in my hooch and on May 24, Karl Voiles spent his first day assembling beds. Then it was back to the base ( it took about 50 minutes to do the whole trip) and hopefully be on time for the 0100hr radio check in . I also made life long friends. You FNGs get to the back of the What that means is we stood a four hour night watch every other night. My friend and his dog Rusty had cornered a very large possum against a tree and I went around the back of the tree and shot that possum at the base of the skull at point blank with a 22 cal short. We weren't expecting any new men and we don't have the time to train you. Camp Fay in the evening and morning. shower heads came out from the side Nights in Vietnam were uncomfortable at best. The other time was that day in boot places that you or others would be referring to. Crew List - Reunite with old US Navy Buddies He expired nine days later. There was no time off just the same 12 hr work shift. Here is an E mail I got from Karl explaining his arrival to Vietnam and Camp Books (FLC) The last week of May brought us a knew Chief Builder and our old Chief Botswains mate left us. I got my NAUI Scuba diving cerification in July 1966. training), ands a week at Whidby Island (E&E, and SERE. Then of course there was the dreaded incoming 122mm and 140mm incoming rocket. Da Nang Air Base (1957-1975) was a Republic of Vietnam Air Force (VNAF) facility. Stephen was a veteran of the United States Navy, serving state side and in Vietnam at Camp Tien Sha, Danang. technical and supply stuff. Lance Corporal James D Feucht (cause of death,misadventure). maps) office in the White Elephant. That's danger close to the shop! Surprise, I think that was normal precaution . When we arrived at Red Beach the Seabee team shop was a mad house. The enlisted head I did spend plenty of time on Marine firebases around the Da Nang-Phu Bai area and spent time at a camp located at Phu Loc. I wish I would have known about it then! I was standing in front of the hut assessing the job. All though I grew up on a farm butchering animals to put in our freezer every year this was something different for me. side was a area called Bridge Ramp which was where the Navy LSTs would pull in head" screwed onto the pipe. There was a bunker there. I think the thing that Biologist), and chaired the Diving Safety Board. So on the hour we would get a call. When a child died they were bundled tightly in white sheets and tide off with string. Honorably Discharged as a QM2(SS) in 1971ish. She would pull out handfuls of her hair and pound herself with clenched fists! Some times a lot of shit happened . I had my broken leg cot and was living out of my sea bag. called to general quarters was in Suprise, suprise, I was later assigned to the Monkey Mountain Patrol. My body was always waiting to react. [3] The camp was quickly expanded to include 25 new barracks able to accommodate an additional 1,700 men, together with a barber shop, post exchange and milk plant. Well I had 11 months to go and it was going to be a very long 11 months ! I was Some time during the night the VC entered the Skivvy house, capturing them without a fight. Whenever there were 122 rocket attacks there would be casualties and being as how I was a first responder and did the damage clean up and repair and being as how medivaced Marines did not need their uniforms any more I would just help myself to what ever would fit me. The VC had taken their 782 gear (combat gear, weapons and ammo) and bugged out. History U.S. Here is the letter I wrote my parents on May 15, 1968. The building site was about 150 yards outside of the north perimeter and the perimeter had not been opened up yet. It started raining Saturday June1st and rained continuously until Wednesday morning but that didn't slow down work any. I was in country from June 1969 to June 1970. So my hooch would now have 5 of us. Then a voice came from inside the Quonset hut." We were not part of the Marine Civil Affair but worked independent of them. [4]:2, By 1969 NSA Danang was the Navy's largest overseas shore command and third largest supply depot after Norfolk and Oakland Naval Supply Depot and Camp Tien Sha had grown to accommodate over 6000 personnel. . was the building directly adjoining Book cover type. These detachments decentralized the support function and improved the logistic flow. If US Mail works best for you, the fresh meat so what do I know about it. The doc had no idea but it was a sure thing she was going to die. I was driving on the perimeter road with the dry storage ASM wall on my right. Category:Military bases of the Vietnam War - Fandom airlines circling the DaNang airbase over the Country of South Vietnam. On the far end of the bridge right loading the LSTs and loading onto trucks. I am sure this little girl will be my last thought when I punch out from this world. Our generators were not even running yet so I heard the rocket coming in. Boy life was improving a lot. I cried to myself on the way back to the base. The guy on the right had black hair, he had been shot with a small caliber pistol right where the skull meets the spine. I would have to wait a few more days for that to start. It was what those me at Port Services, then I was tasked with setting up a chart (and and drop their bow ramps. I was one of the unlucky ones who ended up shoveling a lot of shit! It was losing altitude and we were wondering if they would make it. The Marines slept 12 to 14 men in a hootch. k. MST1 and thought it would be a good time to go back and see It was a long miserable cold 12 hour night. A refugee family was living in a lean too in Dog Patch south . meand I translated it to this map. Inside of that trailer, face down were 2 dead Marines. If there were any trouble calls from the Marines (usually lights out on the perimeter or something not working at the mess hall) then it was jump in the truck drive out and check and drive over to our hooch and get who ever was needed to go fix the problem. CD-ROM, but it didn't provide any new I am very grateful to Annette for the support she gave me while I was in Vietnam. So I would start the mornings dancing around the job site until the sniper was done and then we would get to work. (my home base). Charles R. Smith . I was hugely I had just been recruited to help the Doc and nurse amputate this poor farmers legs. . Message is: I am looking for members that served at Tien Sha Ramp in 1968 through 1969. There was only one hospital bed and a couple cots in the building at that time. Crew List - Reunite with old US Navy Buddies It was a Saturday, perhaps we were finishing up the cook shed. The nurse in the center of the picture is the one who helped amputate the farmers legs. I think there were only three or four of us on duty at the Between 1969 and 1971 hundreds, if not thousands, of incidents of racial violence occurred in and around American military bases ( very much reminds me of cutting up chickens at butchering time). Target audience. I pretty much walked the whole base then back to the EM club for a cold beer Vietnam Veterans Home Page person who was awake had access to the keys to the jeep. I guess that is why there were a lot of E-2 in the Marines. Because I was just getting situated it was just mass confusion for me . Every tree trunk was painted white, every rock was neatly lined up along the He's shooting from a long way out and hasn't hit anyone yet. In your time in the CBs did you decide to be the opposite and do the right thing with newbies? context of what was happening. It took until 2000 hours to finish that first slab. a small cargo plane in the middle of the night, all I sucked and the barber dissed me for After the little girl died I never went back to the clinic. limits and no one ever said a word to me about these activities. Before I went into the Navy I had a I was able to remain calm and under control and do what ever he told me but inside I was on the edge of losing it! Marine damage reports were never very accurate and it is hard for me to remember what was damage when. The photos on this page are from an exhibit that was at the Collin County Historical Society Museum. Nobody even knowing where from or if they had families. was directly below the building Cat Lo Naval Base. I have nothing but respect for those that were. Anniversary story of his trip back boat part would be housed in supply right , Huan one of my carpenters. List of battleships of the United States Navy,,, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, United States military bases of the Vietnam War. It didn't take long to get out of bed when the first rocket struck nearby. I did a phone call to the Marine Duty officer and he calmly told me the incoming fire had already been reported by the outposts. map and make modifications, please email your [ Base This was I think that maybe it was a way to help get my thoughts together, write the event down and then move on. I surveyed The pain they suffered was of our making and they just wanted us to go home! corner and pretty balanced oversteer under power out of the corners. What has stuck in my mind all these years is how much that bullet hole in the blond guys head looked like the bullet hole in the back of the head of a very large possum that I had shot in the back of the head when I was about 16 years old. In a while the nurse and doc came out to get the little girl and I volunteered to hold the little girl if they had other things to do. camp tien sha danang, vietnam 1968 - Significant Events 19-31 August 1970 19-28 October 1970 5 November 1970 13 November 1970 15 November 1970 I went out and sat on my toolbox and thought about what I had just experienced. I was to hear FNG We visited Chu Laiu, Hue, and our The crew truck got there about 1745 hr or so and the doc was still busy. Memoir of my time served with the Navy at Camp Tien Sha, Da Nang, during the Vietnam war. . Fun! A half inch pipe Then I was out the door, I passed LT Branch halfway down the stairs and was waiting for him in the bunker! There was a young mother with several kid and grandma and grandpa. Changes: A History of Naval Support Activity/Facility DaNang, 1970 I had orders in September 1966 to go to hair cutting all my time there aside I was going to start building my own hooch so I would have a place to sleep ! The Post office was about 75 yards from my hootch. [6], In April 1972 all US Navy facilities in Danang were transferred to the Republic of Vietnam Navy.[1]. The Navy Doc was probably in his mid 30s and it was obvious to me that he had done this type of work before. 2023 iStockphoto LP. It was at maximum power and flying very fast. He had a little Vietnamese kid with him about 8 years old. Naval Support Activity DaNang (1965-1970), the U.S. As he cut them off he threw them in the corner beside the shelf and I can remember how strange they looked leaning against the wall! Well damn right I was scared. While the Seabee's exploits in Vietnam would carry on the tradition set during the Second World War, their work in Southeast Asia actually . Camp Tien Sha Vietnam 1968, viewed from Monkey Mountain. Khoi Tran and Hong Th Hin faved this 3,723 views 2 faves 0 comments Taken on March 17, 2017 Some rights reserved Nikon SUPER COOLSCAN 9000 ED distributed to ships coming in. basis It turned 90 degrees to the right and touched down between two rows of concertina wire in the middle of the perimeter. In 1997 I drove my motor bike through the gate while the guard was taking a nap at lunch time and was able to get to the main office and talk to a doctor. I spent 33 years and to listen to music. Sleeping in that bunker was not good.It had 2 opening which allowed the mosquitoes to get in and eat the shit out of me. Guest 31-Aug-2016 02:35: . Then we saw a little dot far up Elephant Valley. I dont know a damn thing so Our group that was sent to MST1 landed in Barbee was very well liked by the labor crew. Tracers were bouncing all over in front of the truck. There were two supply tents up there and when the Field Marines (grunts) would come in from the bush they would strip off all their dirty clothes and throw them in piles in one tent then go into the other tent and pick up clean uniforms. Because of Da Nang's strategic location on rail, air, and highway routes, development of its . My Vietnam war was a very small place I was at Camp Tien Sha from June '69 until Feb '70. The bunker in back was the Korean bunker that I slept in while I was building my hooch. The green building upper right is the hooch that I built for our Vietnamese workers. The PTFs, under Vietnamese officers and crews, conducted over 1,000 raids against North Vietnam from March-April 1964 to January 1972. I was not in the bush and am grateful that I wasn't. When we got there the doc wanted to show us around. There were no boat parts in supply The Doc trimmed all the skin and muscle nice and neat adding clamps (hemostats) as he went. Camp Horn is a former United States Marine Corps and United States Army base located in Danang, Vietnam. from Danang, Republic of Vietnam. Naval Support Facility DaNang (1970-1972), and the Detachments. I just haven't had time for any more. I wanted to go back and see that little girl before she died but all that next week I was to busy to get off early ( or maybe I was just to scared and heart broken). to return to morning. such a small vehicle. Despite these positive interactions with whites, African Americans did not view the armed forces as an institution free of racial prejudice. About a mile out the crew started kicking boxes out the doors. I took my time cooling myself off in that shower then went On Sunday May 19 I was dropped off alone ( The Vietnamese got Sundays off) and my job was to build steps and a door for the building. YFU-62 by ghost549 on DeviantArt It was kind of like the work orders I got. Didn't get any meals so after we were finished we ate sandwiches with the mid watch Marines at the mess hall. Sometimes we could be called out 2 or 3 times in a night. Catecka Base Camp. [1] In November 1965 500 men moved into the old French Army camp, Camp Tien Sha at the foot of Monkey Mountain. Book description. The Doc took a big syringe and needle and shot both legs up with anesthesia. There was always something interesting to watch at Camp Books. Style attributes. Tien Sha to Da Nang Vietnam War home movies DVD Freedom Hill 1969 In the early days the security perimeter of the base was only about 50 feet from our shop and was not very well guarded. I have 'issues' from that crap hole as well.I don't want to put my email address in here publicly so how can I get in touch with you?Ernie Hodge, is this the Ernie hodge that was with the fuel crew in 1966-1967. my name is larry Kirby and my twin brother is gary Kirby if this is the same Earnie Hoge please email me at lwk472000@yahoo.vom. I was not prepared and he totally over powered me! I feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic.generator hire & new generator sales, Mark, I served with the Naval Support Activity DaNang from Aug 1966 - Mar 1968. even included a week in Coronado, a week at Pendleton (weapons The doctors at the Hoa Kahn Clinic were all Navy I think mostly off the hospital ships, they would volunteer for the clinic and rotate out every week. heads all in an area I'd call around But that only happened once as from then on I was ready. The Chief did manage to get bedding (Ha,Ha) I got one bed sheet and one pillow case. The memory of that little girl is as strong now as then and I can not think about her without getting choked up and teary eyed ! He didn't mince words. " 1968 SPECIAL REPORT: "CAMP TIEN SHA RACIAL TROUBLE" - YouTube The next day he would become my first hooch mate although I had to rush to get a couple partitions up so he would have his own space. I tried one other time a few months later but didn't have the appropriate paper work. Vietnam, Museum, Photos, Hanoi Hilton - 351days-in-da-nang navy was the hair thing. The doctor and nurse came out of the clinic. for references to information received from This is the Hoa Kahn clinic at the time I started working there. THE WALL OF FACES - Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund Remember the talk we got about staying away from the prostitutes that I got my first day in Vietnam? One Square Mile of Vietnam: Da Nang - BBC News Barrels of asphalt damaged by rocket attack, April 1969, Camp Tien Sha Annex, Ray Norton. I noticed an old gray hair lady,just a skeleton in the hospital bed and asked the doctor about that. I suppose that I needed that time alone to recover from the amputation! Just to the right of this place, wearing only "shower Actually there wasn't a shop or office there yet, They had just divided off a corner of a large warehouse and were building a shop and office. Was I scared ? That was the LTs first rocket attack and he didn't react fast enough. He was driving a 1 1/2 ton flat bed stake truck and was making the rounds to pick up supplies. The sound had carried down the valley making it sound very close, then it would die down then get loud again, very strange how the sound bounced around the walls of the valley. Despite the repeated assurances uttered by our senior non-commissioned petty officers that Camp Tiensha's location on the peninsula that juts out from the City of Danang, and with the location of the Danang airbase on the opposite side of the city itself, generally put our base beyond the purported 7 mile range of the Russian-made 122 millimeter Katyusha rockets . background old PTF Base and Monkey

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