iphigenia in aulis monologue mother listen to me

iphigenia in aulis monologue mother listen to me


320. First Chorus Atreas son, Menelaos, brought with him fromMycenae, the city built by the Cyclopes, one hundred ships and all the sailors to man them. Cover the baby with one of your cloaks. And where will I be at the time? 190. The play . Agamemnon We are brothers when we are doing what is reasonable, not when we do what is madness. Iphigenia in Aulis Plot Summary | Course Hero Old Man I I dont approve of words like these coming out of the mouths of leaders. Clytemnestra Character Analysis in Iphigenia at Aulis | LitCharts So, calm yourself now, Klytaimestra. Looking over the baby. I want neither to overwhelm you by its excess nor insult you by its timidity. Agamemnon Yes, so you see what sort of a man your future son-in-law is! Pleasure, my old friend, is a dubious thing, an unstable thing; and as for all the trappings of office, all the power that goes with it, sure they might look sweet from the distance but once you get them, they become unbearable pains! What destruction! Klytaimestra Sounds ideal to me. Then Agamemnon came to me and ordered me to come here and tell you what Fate the gods have granted to your daughter. He married her and they had a son, Aeacus who became King of the island Oenone. Agamemnon Little girls should not be bothered with such things. My friend, neither kill nor be killed because of me. First Chorus Helen was given as a gift toParis, by Aphrodite, one day when, near the cool springs, she won the beauty contest from her rivals, Hera and Palas Athena. I do not envy those in authority." Context:: This line comes near the very beginning of the play. Old Man My lady, you know who I am and just how loyal Ive been to you and your children. I I am shocked, my lady! They say that Zeus had transformed himself into a bird and then slept with your mother. Iphigeneia at Aulis. Iphigenia - Greek Mythology Link Iphigeneia Separation? Youre overdoing your loyalty to your master! Agamemnon He lives in Phthia, by the river Apidanus. Then Achilles, Peleas son, took the golden basket and the holy water in his hands and ran around the goddess altar, chanting 1570. I wonder who her groom is. 430. Achilles What? I know, Im behaving as if I were some god towards you though Im a mere mortal. Do not send our daughter here, inAulis, the place whose harbours are well protected from the harsh seas and which juts out towardsColchis. First Chorus We saw him, racing in full armour upon the shells of the shore, in a contest against a chariot pulled by a team of four horses, a contest out of which he came victorious. At one point he is satisfied with what hes written, seals it with his ring but then, a moment later, he scratches away the seal and re-reads the letter. Iphigeneia Hands Orestes back to her mother. But Iphigenia, having determined to die nobly on behalf of the Greeks, was snatched away by the Goddess, and a stag substituted in her place. We your children and I- will give you the return that an evil man deserves. You say youre happy to see me but your face looks worried! Agamemnon My old friend, Thestius daughter, Leda, had three daughters: Phoebe, Klytaimestra (my wife) and Helen. Theyre bound to serve someone well, sometime. 720. The more I hold you in my arms the more the tears rush to my eyes. Achilles Yes. Ive also missed you! Oh, Achilles! Oh, my sweet daughter! The opportunity was made for him to elope with her, since Menelaos was absent at the time. Its a meadow full of bright and beautiful flowers. What a lusty fervour the whole ofGreecehas stirred up for this expedition! Now call her out here so she can follow me to the altar. With what face shall I receive hers? Listen to their words: 790, Who will it be, I wonder, who will bring tears to my eyes, drag me by my beautiful hair and pluck me from my ruined land?. "I envy you old man. The barbarian blood of the sons of Atreas, of your husband, madam and that of his brother, if either of them snatches your daughter from my hands! Iphigenia in Tauris Summary - eNotes.com The barbarians will no longer abduct them and carry them off from our wealthy shores, once Helens abduction by Paris has been avenged. Otherwise why should we bother being just? Klytaimestra Unfortunate, Achilles, yes, that is true! They want me to. Agamemnon Can you not see him standing in the midst of all the Greeks, telling them all about Calchas prophesies and all about how Ive promised to sacrifice my daughter to Artemis but then went back on my word? But go! Will he not get furious with you and with your wife if you deprive him of his bride? Let hers be the last one to do so! Its not proper for young girls to be in the public eye for too long. You groan but you say nothing. It was upon the forests of Trojan Ida, its woods covered thickly by the shroud of snow where King Priam once abandoned his child boy, Paris. Give you my right hand? Who is this exquisite looking woman I see here? Menelaos I was waiting to see if your daughter would leaveArgosto come to the army camp. Old Man He tricked you about the marriage with Achilles, my lady, so that youd be willing to come here. Agamemnon Yes. And then theres also this: what right do I have to love my life so much? So you will sacrifice your daughter! We use cookies for essential site functions and for social media integration. This is a happy day for Iphigeneia! Stuffed full with men and spears. You will say that youve killed our daughter so that Menelaos, your brother, can get back his Helen! Checking out the situation carefully. 900. Iphigenia at Aulis | The Mercurian Perhaps were both being deceived. They will reach the silvery eddies of the Simois river that runs through Apollos stronghold, the rocky plains ofTroy. 420, The soldiers talk and they ask questions. Klytaimestra You? First Chorus Diomedes, too, was there amusing himself, throwing a discus. Next to him was Myriones, son of Ares, a marvel to all men and Odysseus, Laertes son, who came from the hills of his island,Ithaca. Theyve all rushed over there to see her. Agamemnon It will take place at the most propitious time: When the moon completes its cycle again. In his frenzy, he rushed about the whole ofGreece, calling upon everyone to remember Tyndareus solemn oath and to help him, since he was the wronged husband. Klytaimestra Did they? I know what you want to do to me Go on! Agamemnon And you shouldnt be hanging around here, among all the soldiers! How dare you! Only the two choruses are now present. Klytaimestra Thats not what the laws of the custom say. Achilles Yes, madam and I too, am furious at your husband. Agamemmnon's fleet is stranded by bad weather in the bay of Aulis and his troops are growing mutinous. Happy noises of incoming royal procession, including horses and chariot are heard within, Stage Left. Klytaimestra What I should be doing as a mother- is to be the one who gives Iphigeneia, my daughter, away to her groom. A Short Analysis of Euripides' Iphigenia at Aulis Who on earth could force you to murder your own child? IPHIGENIA (Daughter of Agamemnon and Klytaimestra) ACHILLES (Chief of the Myrmidons, an army) FIRST MESSENGER SECOND MESSENGER FIRST CHORUS (Of women from Chalkis) SECOND CHORUS (Men and women of Argos, attendants to Klytaimestra and Iphigeneia) THE BABY ORESTES (Silent) GUARDS (Silent) VARIOUS OTHER ATTENDANTS (Silent) First Chorus Come, children of Chalkis, let us go and give the Argive Queen our gentle and firm hand to help her step down safely from her carriage and let us look welcoming towards Agamemnons glorious daughter lest she be afraid of having arrived here at this place and at this time; and let us also make sure that the Argive women feel no distress or concern for being strangers in a strange place. iphigenia in aulis monologue mother listen to me First Chorus Mortals vary in body as well as in mind but true virtue, which comes from a good upbringing and a good education, always stands out. Klytaimestra Come, come, old man! Be careful not to disgrace your ancestors house. Married and single alike? His servants use the other. And it was with this lie, about the girls mock-marriage, that I tried to persuade my wife to bring her here. Tell us whats wrong! Achilles Yes. Old Man That? I, the destroyer of Priams city and its people! Agamemnon Menelaos! The whole Greek army, Klytaimestra, thats who! She will be saved if you will it. The whole world loves to talk about the famous and to see them in their flesh. The young heifers that will be sacrificed and that will deliver their abundant dark blood to the goddess Artemis are ready. Or fastest delivery March 8 - 10. It is Hellas I must obey, darling, not Menelaos. Can you see what the goddess has placed upon her altar? Death is a dreadful thing! Poor, poor child! Its not Menelaos whos in control here, Iphigeneia. Close suggestions Search Search First Chorus Different words now but better. Some madness has overtaken their hearts and they want to sail immediately over to Troy to the land of those barbarians and to put an end to this raping and stealing of our women, to tearing them away from their marital beds. Then Talthybius stood up amongst them all and told them to be silent. iphigenia in aulis monologue mother listen to me Klytaimestra turns away angrily and enters the tent. Raise a hymn now to the goddess Artemis, Zeus daughter, for the sad honour she has asked me to endure and let the women of Argos, the daughters of Danaus, hold a silence of reverence. Menelaos No, they can do nothing if you secretly send her back toArgos. Come and hear my news! I have a greater right to speak than he does! Messenger My dear lady I shall. Your fathers holy water is waiting for you! Of all of my children, you, Iphigeneia, have always loved your father the most! Klytaimestra Achilles, son of the Nereid! 440. You are the cause of this miserable conflict between the sons of Atreas and their children! 583. Yet it is right that she should come with her sweet daughter to give her away as a bride. Achilles You must grab her and not let go of her. First Chorus We have left behind our land, Chalkis, a land washed by the salty waters of glorious Arethousa and weve travelled through the narrow straights of Euripus to come here, toAulis, to this sandy peninsula. First Chorus Moored next to them was an equal number of Argive ships, headed by two chiefs, Euryalus, the son of Mecisteus, who was raised by his grandfather, Talaus and Sthenelus, Capaneus son. Klytaimestra Oh, no, child! Iphigenia in Aulis Summary - eNotes.com I wont let anyone take your life even though it would be against your wish. She reminds him of how they used to plan her future and tells him how much she wants to live. Tell me Agamemnon! A goddess, mother, the goddess Artemis has called for my body. Klytaimestra goes into the tent. Iphigenia at Aulis Characters | GradeSaver Ill now stand by you and so I advise you not to kill your daughter or put my own interests before yours. Menelaos Act according to your position, or youll be very sorry, old man! Your voice has horrified me! 1010. Aided and abetted by the gods! Old Man Dear Fortune, help my brain to save those I love. Old Man To stop you By then he had come back to his senses. Come, friends, sing with me in praise of the goddess whose temple faces Chalkis, the place where the spears of war are waiting for me in anger! Just before Dawn. Iphigenia (1977) - Iphigenia (1977) - User Reviews - IMDb What star could that be, that one, gliding across the sky up there? I have brought this bride here with strong hopes for a wonderful marriage. Klytaimestra Odysseus? Not mine, thats for sure. There is no need! You used to ask me, I wonder, my darling, will I get to see you married one day, married and settled happily in your husbands home, your life ever blossoming, making me proud of you? And Id touch your chin, my father, hang from your beard, father, like Im doing now and say, and what about you, father, will I get to see you, father, an old man, visiting me at my house, ready for me to repay you for your hard work in raising me?, No, you dont remember these words, father. Or else, we might as well call Mount Sipylus, the Asian city where his barbarous ancestors came from a great city and wipe out of our mind the name of Phthia! One of the myths in the Cypria inspired the tragedy Iphigenia in Aulis, written by Euripides (ca. Holy Spirit of mine! The King feared the prophets words that the boy would grow up to destroy him him and his city and so he tore the baby away from its mothers arms and cast him on the mountainside, hoping that he would die. Are you here to add to the mountain of dread I have to endure already? 1171, I would be there, alone, Agamemnon, wailing, crying bitter tears, yelling, Darling Iphigeneia! Should you not be expecting a poisonous welcome since youre departing like a snake? Then, without anyone forcing you, totally of your accord and dont claim it wasnt- you had sent a letter to your wife to bring Iphigenia here, in the pretence that shed be marrying Achilles. Klytaimestra Is it your wish to kill our child? First Chorus And fast-footed Achilles, too, whose feet fly faster than the wind. Difficult. 910. May it be with you always, for helping the unfortunate! Enter Iphigeneia holding the baby in her arms. Its true, my lady that there are times when it is more pleasant to avoid excessive wisdom and there are times when wisdom is helpful but I, madam, I was raised in the house of Chiron, a centaur who respected the simple ways, the honest ways. Klytaimestra Oh, Gods! You shouldnt go against them! Klytaimestra Whats wrong? Hes gone out a while ago and Iphigeneia, in the meantime, has heard how her father is planning to kill her. Please dont be offended now! I shall be accompanying our girl with the wedding song. Summary. Just answer my question! Such good wives are rare, Agamemnon! Klytaimestra Darling, no! Bring him up to be a man. You mean, the son of Sisyphus? Hell be the man wholl take his army of spear-loving Myrmidons and turn Priams city into rubble. He is writing a letter (on a scroll) an exercise which, it seems, is difficult for him. It is my name that he will be using as his sword to slaughter Iphigeneia and this awful man will disgrace my body if I let your daughter, who was about to marry me and who has suffered this insufferable fete die because of me. For such a young girl you are so intelligent! Go inside now! Here are the two of us, ones a baby, the other a grown up girl, a brother and a sister, both your children, begging you, by your beard, pleading with you. Iphigeneia Youre going off on a long journey daddy and youre living me behind! Towards this now, mother turn your thoughts, and with me weigh how well I speak; to me the whole of mighty Hellas looks; on me the passage over the sea depends; on me the sack of Troy; [1380] and in my power it lies to check henceforth barbarian raids on happy Hellas, if ever in the days to come they seek to seize her women, when once they have IPHIGENIA Had I, my father, the persuasive voice Of Orpheus, and his skill to charm the rocks To follow me, and soothe whome'er I please With winning words, I would make trial of it; But I have nothing to present thee now Save tears, my only eloquence; and those I can present thee. Iphigenia in Aulis by Euripides - Greek Mythology It is for Hellas that I am forced to sacrifice you. Agamemnon What? Agamemnon An eloquent covering of a shameful act! And if I tried to run off toArgos, the whole lot of them will come over and destroy the place, raze the whole city to the ground, Cyclopean walls and all! Daughter of Tyndareus! Iphigeneia at Aulis Flashcards | Quizlet Achilles Then listen to me carefully, madam so that well achieve our aim. Still, by then it is too late. And this, my lady, this is no lie, believe me! Klytaimestra Stop your shouting. 1421. All of us we all heard the awful thud of the striking sword but when we looked up, we could not see the girl anywhere! He said that it must be done if the expedition is ever to make it to, Klytaimestra Expedition? Go, now! 9.1", "denarius"). A terrible love." Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis tags: euripides , greek-tragedy , iphigenia-at-aulis , power , power-hungry 11 likes Like Iphigeneia Pelasgia! The sun should rise slowly until full daylight is reached just before line 164. Old man, come out here! 'Iphigenia' is the great achievement of Michael Cacoyannis. PDF Iphigenia at Aulis Myth, Performance and Reception Menelaos And what aboutGreece? Conditions and Exceptions apply. How much more time do we need to waste on this expedition toTroy? IPHIGENIA IN AULIS - Monologue (Clytemnestra) - Mighty Actor Let us pray for a good fortune! No, you look after everything outside the household and I shall take care of things within it! Details. People will talk about how Ive saved Greece. 290. Iphigenia has arrived in Aulis, and soon the army will be demanding her death. 471. We also let the horses loose to drink and to graze at a meadow nearby. 950. He, madam, hes the cause of all your torment, madam. No, its not my ambition thats bothering you, my brother! 411, Menelaos Enjoy the glory of your sceptre then! Old Man That womans there. And thats when shell discover my treachery! When I first thought you were going to be my son-in-law, I had high hopes vain hopes as it turned out but hopes nevertheless. Klytaimestra Ill certainly try that if thats the last thing I do! Iphigeneia Make your worries go away, daddy. Achilles First, plead with him. Agamemnon Lines 1-257 Summary & Analysis | SparkNotes 27. 128. Chorus And they will surround the cityPergamum, all about its stone towers with murderous war-men wholl smash the heads of the Trojans, cut through their necks and tear their city down to its foundations. Her unexpected arrival has added to my ruin. Here, take it now and carry it over toArgos. Your current position in the text is marked in blue. No, I will not shed any tears now. Dance around the temple of the blessed goddess! Overview. Still, the girl came up close to him and said, Daddy, here I am, ready to do as you say. But listen to me, Iphigeneia. Ive changed because of my love for my mothers son. You were totally bewildered by the change of your luck! Where will I find you? 880. Menelaos Brothers must share each others pain. They cry when they wish and speak their mind freely, something which a leader cannot do: its undignified, its an insult to the splendour of his position and his whole life is controlled by it. A dreadful sickness! iphigenia in aulis monologue mother listen to me2825 airview blvd kalamazoo, mi 49002. Achilles They were the worst of them all! i. Trans. 1110. Gluck's 'Iphigenia in Aulis,' Marriage or Murder? : NPR Whether I want to do so or not, I must obey Hellas. Menelaus appears to be the caring brother. ("Agamemnon", "Hom. Let me enjoy the sweet light of day and do not force me to enter the world beneath the earth. Iphigenia in Aulis by Euripides | Analysis & Themes | Study.com You, Paris, you son of Priam! Ha, ha, ha! What a weak little helper you are, my tiny brother! He is the son of the goddess Thetis, and his tutor was Cheiron, the most honourable of all the centaurs. Which of the gods has stolen you? Euripides died before completing this late masterpiece and it was prepared for its enthusiastically received first performance by his son or nephew. Next to him was Nireas, first among the Greeks in beauty. Attic tragedies were performed in Athens about the 5th century BC. Accept the pure blood from this girls lovely neck! Come, my lord, lets go back inside! Now make your answer reasonable also! Our daughters marriage is my concern! This last one, Helen, had received the most famous, the greatest sons of the whole ofHellasas her suitors ferocious threats of murder were uttered by those who had missed out on her. 1200. You were still the man she loved. If any barbarian dared to bring his ships against these hed never see his home again. Come, then, father, turn to me and give me a final kiss. She goes to the door of the tent and opens it so that the servant may hear her. Agamemnon Yes, I shall say nothing in my defence. Consistently, I cannot stop crying! Poor, poor girl! Calchas will find out for me what it is the goddess will be satisfied with though, I know, it will be something which will bring me misery and a great deal of hard suffering for the rest of Greece. 970. If this works out well, then the result will be good for you and your family without my getting mixed up in the affair. 1580. Good bye. Euripides (c.480-c.406 BC) - Iphigenia In Aulis: Translated by George First Chorus Oh, Lady, goddess of love, Aphrodite! You know the dread that Agamemnon has brought upon us. Iphigeneia hands baby Orestes to her mother, Iphigeneia If only I could sing like Orpheus, father! It makes the mother love her child most deeply and she will defend it with her life. Achilles Ah! It is a bitter thing for a father to take, a father who has worked hard but who must send his daughters away away to another household. Reg. Why all this violence? The Plot of Iphigeneia at Aulis - The Randolph College Greek Play Me, Leda's daughter, hapless dame, First blooming offspring of her bed. Ah, but this impudence of yours will miss its mark! Things that should best be kept away from a brides ear. Would you like her to plead at your knees? 610. 1211. Enough! Achilles Not if Ill have anything to say about it! 1250. First Chorus Words that will not shame your ancestors. Dont bother making a long speech about it, husband! Then, the moment you became one, all this nice behaviour changed and you had turned your back on all your friends. Achilles Alone? She runs her hand over his chin, over his right hand. 260. How could I? First Chorus I, too, feel pity for you if it is at all proper for a foreigner to feel pity for the plight of kings. Menelaos Odysseus will give us no trouble. 'The Sacrifice of Iphigenia' and Agamemnon's Dilemma: In - Medium Menelaos Let go! This is a dreadful thing for me to do but it is just as dreadful not to do it. But my brother, using all sorts of arguments, finally persuaded me to commit this dreadful deed! Its good that the children will be spared. Abominable creature! So now, go on, take them all, take all these lunatics, all these soldiers and lead them on to the expedition. Whether I do it or I dont, the consequences for me will be the same. with the additional restriction that you offer Perseus any modifications you make. Chorus Ah! Here is the body that your wife has given birth to. Are these amazing words the words of a delirious woman? The Old Man is angry and tries to take the letter back from him. 1020. What does your Iphigeneia have to do with my Helen? iphigenia in aulis monologue mother listen to me 04.07.2022 04.07.2022 80. Out here, in front of the tent! I wrap its limbs around your knees and beg you: Please father, do not cut off my life short. However, when Agamemnon breaks down in tears, Menelaus relents. Chorus And the weeping and wailing of Priams daughters and of his wife will be bitter and piercing. Give her your arms and bring her down safely. I need to tell you things that our daughter should not hear. Cacoyannis achieved the impossible. 751. Protect us in our terrible misfortune. No man is blessed or happy for ever. IPHIGENIA IN AULIS Essay Paper (427 words) - Happyessays She is in there, crying and falling from one abyss of misery into another. Shhhh listen to me! The sparkling water of your ancestral streams is waiting for you! What a dreadful thing to say! Let me make it absolutely clear, my lady: I was there and I saw it with my own eyes! On the stern of his ships was an emblem portraying the riverAlpheus, his neighbour, who, on that emblem was given four feet and made to look like a bull. Now you know the whole thing. Old Man Dying for my master will be a glorious thing. Its young Orestes, a baby still. Klytaimestra Theyve tricked my daughter to her death by promising her to you in marriage. Achilles I told them that if thats what they thought, then they should not kill my intended wife. Iphigenia in Aulis has been added to your Cart . The whole army and both the sons of Atreas stood there in silence, their eyes downcast. Klytaimestra Our other daughters are looked after well and they are safe in their quarters. Agamemnon There! We cant go on fighting against Necessity! From Kahil (1990). She swings him, sadly, gently back and forth and leans over him as she speaks to him. Tears that come about from making our daughter a bride to Achilles. Iphigeneia Mother, Im too ashamed to face Achilles. If the gods are just, then they should reward just men like you. Are we not all wasting our time here, by the banks ofEpirus? 570. Last Updated on July 14, 2022, by eNotes Editorial. In it I spoke of Achilles high rank, his bravery, his honour and told her that the man refused to sail with us unless one of our daughters became his wife and went to live at his house, in Phthia. The future of our Greek women rests upon my actions. Let them all see which one should be sacrificed. Paris! The one in control here is Hellas. Brothers fight because of lust and because of greed in their inheritance. New troubles are now added upon those Im already suffering. You are, indeed, a noble soul and you leave me speechless and unable to argue against your views. The goddess son. I see. Iphigenia was sacrificed in the Boeotian harbor of Aulis, opposite the island of Euboea, or as others say, was saved at the last moment by Artemis, who substituted for her a deer or a bull at the altar, and transported her to Tauris where she later, having met his brother Orestes 2, was brought by him back home. We will soon reveal Agamemnons sacrilegious schemes against his very own children! I can talk no more. I offer my neck quietly and with no fear for the knife. 1550, Thats what she said and every man there was amazed at the bravery and the virtue of the young girl. Let me hug him tightly against my breast before you do! Agamemnon approaches Iphigeneia and tries to console her. Agamemnon and I have separate properties. Old Man Tries to take the letter from Menelaos. Iphigenia in Aulis Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2 20. 680. No one was ever born to a life free of misery. 1279. That way, not only will I not lose a friend but the army will also not be angry with me when it sees that Ive used my brains rather than my brawn. Youll be standing right there at the altar. We are a free people, whereas they are slaves. With his own sword, madam he will make bloody the young girls white neck bloody it with her own blood! iphigenia in aulis monologue mother listen to me Klytaimestra Have you made the pre-natal offerings to the goddess yet? What was the point of bringing us up here for a marriage that. Agamemnon And now its my turn to criticise you but, no, I wont do so in some arrogant, contemptuous way, with my eyes looking down on you but I shall do so in a conciliatory, brotherly way. Pause. Full of joy and yet tears flow from your eyes 650. Calchas gave you the answer and you jumped with joy when he told you that the Greeks would be able to sail forTroyonly after you had sacrificed your daughter to Artemis. Whatever do you mean? She takes the baby Orestes from Iphigeneias hands. Im leaving for another world! First Chorus This god, this god with the golden hair, lifts his bow and shoots two arrows of passion, one to bring us lifes greatest joy, the other to send us into a whirlwind of confusion. But then, suddenly a miracle happened, my lady! Iphigenia O mother that bore me! Second Chorus They are the offspring of a great and most fortunate family. If he doesn't go through with the sacrifice, the army will rise up, sacrifice her, and kill their entire family. Oh, goddess who lets her brilliant light roll along through the gloomy darkness of the night!

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