list of dictatorship countries

list of dictatorship countries


[86] After a brief period of democratization, Latin America underwent a rapid transition toward dictatorship in the 1930s. It has a population of approximately 31 million people, making it the 42nd most populous country in the world. [1]:71. In the United Kingdom, for example, the chief executive is the prime minister, and the ministers are the heads of the executive departments, which together compose the government. The exclave province of Cabinda has borders with the Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. [115], The Middle East and Northern Africa did not undergo liberalization during the third wave of democratisation, and most countries in this region remain dictatorships in the 21st century. What are the countries with a democracy government? Organized opposition is a threat to the stability of a dictatorship, as it seeks to undermine public support for the dictator and calls for regime change. Rwanda - 1994 to present - Paul Kagame. Democracy and Dictatorship: Conceptualization and Measurement", "Democracy and Dictatorship: Conceptualization and Measurement", Divergent Incentives for Dictators: Domestic Institutions and (International Promises Not to) Torture, "Cooperation, Cooptation, and Rebellion Under Dictatorships", "How Foreign Aid Can Foster Democratization in Authoritarian Regimes", "Tyrants and Terrorism: Why Some Autocrats are Terrorized While Others are Not", "Dictatorship: Modern Tyranny Between Leviathan and Behemoth (Version 2.0) (english version)", 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198716204.001.0001,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using sidebar with the child parameter, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. scholarly analysis of Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin and Mao, as well as Kim Il-sung of North Korea; Franois Duvalier, or Papa Doc, of Haiti; Nicolae Ceauescu of Romania; and Mengistu Haile Mariam of Ethiopia. [118] Generally, two research approaches exist: the minimalist approach, which focuses on whether a country has continued elections that are competitive, and the substantive approach, which expands the concept of democracy to include human rights, freedom of the press, and the rule of law. 1. [124], The type of economy in a dictatorship can affect how it functions. [8], Totalitarianism is a variation of dictatorship characterized by the presence of a single political party and more specifically, by a powerful leader who imposes personal and political prominence. [1]:68. Keep note that the head of state, chief executive, government, and legislatures can have their official names be seemingly contradictory to this classification. (Dictator of Italy and Principal Founder of Fascism Who Was Prime Minister of Italy from 1922 to 1943.) Mao consolidated his control of the People's Republic of China with the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s, which involved the destruction of all elements of capitalism and traditionalism in China. [25], One-party dictatorships are governments in which a single political party dominates politics. The power structures of dictatorships vary, and different definitions of dictatorship consider different elements of this structure. The Portuguese were present in some mostly coastal points of the territory of what is now Angola from the 16th century, interacting in diverse ways with the peoples who lived there. Functioning of government: 3.57. Those who believe that he is a dictator argue that he imprisons his opponents, removed freedom of speechthe press can only publish what he allows them toand has restructured the government to give himself more and longer-lasting power. If this institution can be effectively controlled by the dictator, it can become avaluable instruments of control over the population. Bettmann Archive / Getty Images. The list of Dictatorship countries in Africa includes Nigeria and Zaire. Click to visit dictatorship | Definition, Characteristics, Countries Here is a list of the ten worst dictators that Africans have ever seen in their history. Power is obtained and passed on through family connections. #SOSCuba. [8]:454 The government composes the chief executive and the heads of the executive departments. The Soviet economy became unsustainable, and communist governments lost the support of intellectuals. In 1989, the Soviet Union was dissolved, and communism was abandoned by the countries of Central and Eastern Europe through a series of revolutions. Political participation: 2.22. [79] Fascism developed in Europe as a rejection of liberalism, socialism, and modernism, and the first fascist political parties formed in the 1920s. Military dictatorships are controlled by military officers, one-party dictatorships are controlled by the leadership of a political party, and personalist dictatorships are controlled by a single individual. If the head of state serves for life or is not popularly elected or a fixed term, then the democracy is parliamentary.[1]. 1. This makes it distinct from constitutional monarchy and ceremonial monarchy. However, a political rights score of 6 or 7 corresponds most closely with our definition of dictatorship, based on Freedom House's characterization: 6 Countries and territories with a rating of 6 have very restricted political rights. They differ from other forms of dictatorships in that the dictator has greater access to key political positions and the government's treasury, and they are more commonly subject to the discretion of the dictator. Current dictatorships include Russia, Equatorial New Guinea, and North Korea. Equatorial Guinea. Monarchies: 3. After the recent death of Idriss Deby in April 2021, his son Mahamat Deby took over. Explore a few of the famous ones. [101] Albania was established as a communist dictatorship under Enver Hoxha in 1944. [126] In particular, censorship by dictatorships helps solidify claims of legitimacy and marginalize the voices of opposition critics. [citation needed]The typical military dictatorship in Latin America was ruled by a junta (derived from a Spanish word . [43] This idea references the heavy reliance on repression of the public in order to stay in power, which creates incentives for all constituents to falsify their preferences, which does not allow for the dictator to know the genuine popular beliefs or his realistic measure of societal support. Dictatorships arise through violence or non-violent means, but they almost always result in the loss of liberties, corruption, and human rights abuses. [97], The Middle East was decolonized during the Cold War, and many nationalist movements gained strength post-independence. A dictatorship is a type of government in which a single personthe dictatoror party has absolute power. [34] When a one-party dictatorship develops gradually through legal means, in can result in conflict between the party organization and the state apparatus and civil service, as the party rules in parallel and increasingly appoints its own members to positions of power. Negative effects include the unraveling of social organizations and democratic institutions and the prohibition of other political parties. The totalitarian dictatorship in the People's Republic of China , from 1949 to the present. Uganda - 1971 to 1979 - Idi Amin Dada. [10] Political scientist Juan Jos Linz identifies a spectrum of political systems with democracies and totalitarian regimes separated by authoritarian regimes with varied classifications of hybrid systems. [32], One-party dictatorships became prominent in Asia and Eastern Europe during the Cold War as communist governments were installed in several countries. Olessia Kirtchik, Mariana Heredia, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition), 2015. Based on a "minimalist" theory of democracy, the index relies on rules regarding the existence of competitive elections. [19], Military dictatorships are regimes in which military officers hold power, determine who will lead the country, and exercise influence over policy. Typically, dictators rise to power when a nation faces significant social issues, such as strong economic crises or unrest among the nation's people. [4] Though the most recent data set is only updated for 2008, there is planning by Cheibub to update it to the present year. A dictator that has concentrated significant power is more likely to be exiled, imprisoned, or killed after ouster, and accordingly they are more likely to refuse negotiation and cling to power. [98] Several Middle Eastern countries were the subject of military coups in the 1950s and 1960s, including Iraq, Syria, North Yemen, and South Yemen. These nationalist movements supported non-alignment, keeping most Middle Eastern dictatorships out of the American and Soviet spheres of influence. The economic focus of a dictatorship often depends on the strength of the opposition, as a weaker opposition allows a dictator to extract additional wealth from the economy through corruption.[125]. "Tyrants, the World's 20 Worst Living Dictators", by David Wallechinsky, ranked Biya together with three others mainly in sub-Saharan Africa: Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo of Equatorial Guinea, and King Mswati of Swaziland. This list answers the questions, "What countries are dictatorships?" The 2010 version of Polity data series covers 189 countries from 1800 to 2009. W; Alphabetical list of countries; Alphabetical list of countries. It was initially aligned with Yugoslavia, but its alignment shifted throughout the Cold War between Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union, and China. [57] The rule of a dictator was not necessarily considered tyrannical in Ancient Rome, though it has been described in some accounts as a "temporary tyranny" or an "elective tyranny". [82], Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party created a second fascist dictatorship in Germany in 1933,[83] obtaining absolute power through a combination of electoral victory, violence, and emergency powers. [143], In the 20th century, most dictatorships held elections in which voters could only choose to support the dictatorship, with only one-quarter of partisan dictatorships permitting opposition candidates to participate. Dictators are usually backed (especially financially) by groups of powerful people. [28] Due to the structure of their leadership, one-party dictatorships are significantly less likely to face civil conflict, insurgency, or terrorism than other forms of dictatorship. [98], One of the tasks in political science is to measure and classify regimes as either democracies or dictatorship (authoritarian) countries. Mussolini abolished democracy in Italy in 1922 and became a dictator. This means that the ruler or party has complete control. Francois Duvalier (1907 - 1971) The Haitian dictator, also known as Papa Doc, governed the Americas' poorest country from 1957 to he died in 1971. Hybrid dictatorships: What it's like to live under a Dictatorship. [11][12] He describes totalitarian regimes as exercising control over politics and political mobilization rather than merely suppressing it. [88] European fascism was imported to Latin America as well, and the Vargas Era of Brazil was heavily influenced by the corporatism practiced in fascist Italy. Reading Time: 4 minutes. The methodology is derived from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, regardless of geopolitical, geographic, ethnic or religious considerations. [27] One-party rule also developed in several countries in Africa during decolonization in the 1960s and 1970s, some of which produced authoritarian regimes. Infamous dictators of the world are often thought of as tyrants - leaders who rule with iron fists, cruelty, unflinching authority, and a lack of opposition. The fascist dictatorship of Benito Mussolini in Italy , from 1943 to 1945. [22], Military dictatorships are typically formed by a military coup in which senior officers use the military to overthrow the government. [84] Other nationalist movements in Europe established dictatorships based on the fascist model. (2010), Cheibub, Gandhi, and Vreeland developed a six-fold regime classification scheme, resulting what the authors called as the DD datasets. The Democracy-Dictatorship Index has the main regime types of "democracy" and "dictatorship" and three sub-types for each as well. In oligarchies, the threat of a military coup comes from the strength of the military weighed against the concessions made to the military. [73], Dictatorships in Latin America persisted into the 20th century, and further military coups established new regimes, often in the name of nationalism. Answer (1 of 9): Depends on what you mean by left-wing. More complex economies require additional cooperation between the dictator and other groups. [26], A dictatorship may fall because of a military coup, foreign intervention, negotiation, or popular revolution. The number of countries ruled by military dictatorships began to fall sharply after the end of the Cold War in the early 1990s. Dictators often employ illegal and/or immoral methods to maintain their power and control, including the use of secret police, indefinite arrests, and concentration camps. Its territory covers 652,000 km, making it the 41st largest country in the world. In the past, they wore olive-green uniforms and used military might to gain power. If the head of state is popularly elected for a fixed term then, the democracy is mixed or semi-presidential. 1 Norway 2 Iceland 3 Sweden 4 New Zealand 5 Denmark =6 Canada =6 Ireland 8 Australia =9 Switzerland =9 Finland Current Dictators Kim Jong-un Kim Jong-un is North Korea's current dictator and the third generation Kim to rule the country, following the death of his father Kim Jong-il in 2011. Coercive distribution comprises of distributing welfare and state resources to control citizens and elites. There are currently 22 dictators in Africa, some worse than others. [1]:70. Nearly half of dictatorships start as a military coup, though others have been started by foreign intervention, elected officials ending competitive elections, insurgent takeovers, popular uprisings by citizens, or legal maneuvering by autocratic elites to take power within their government. Chad. Another controversial dictator is General Augusto Pinochet (1915-2006) of Chile. Marxist one-party states are sometimes distinguished from other one-party states, but they function similarly. [1]:68 The figures at the left show the results in 1988 and 2008. Latin America experienced a dramatic political change in the last quarter of the twentieth century. The leader of a dictatorship is called a dictator. As of early 2022, the countries of Afghanistan, Eritrea, North Korea, and Turkmenistan are the only nations in the world whose governments are generally considered to be totalitarian dictatorships. Therefore, the entire country operates on the whims of that one person. Unfortunately, democracy is still shaky in many countries, a number of which are fighting violent religious insurrections, and the likelihood of any fallen dictator being quickly replaced by another dictator is high. Dictators are more likely to implement long-term investments into the country's economy if they feel secure in their power. [142] Dictatorships may influence the results of an election through electoral fraud, intimidation or bribing of candidates and voters, use of state resources such as media control, manipulation of electoral laws, restricting who may run as a candidate, or disenfranchising demographics that may oppose the dictatorship. Laos (since 1975) A dictator may have a team of officials who advise him or her and help keep the government running, but these officials ultimately have very little control or influence. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. He took control of the nation in 1973 after leading a coup that deposed elected leftist leader Salvador Allende. [4] A unified inner circle has the capacity to overthrow a dictator, and the dictator must make greater concessions to the inner circle to stay in power. [98], During World War II, many countries of Central and Eastern Europe had been occupied by the Soviet Union. 10. Rodrigo Duterte (Philippines) Rodrigo Roa Duterte is the legally, directly-elected President of the Philippines and leading member of the PDP-Laban party. [44] As a result of authoritarian politics, a series of major issues may ensue. Its purpose is to collect information, mobilize society, and induce compliance with the dictatorships directives. They are often unstable, and the average duration of a military dictatorship is only five years, but they are often followed by additional military coups and military dictatorships. On average, they last twice as long as military dictatorships, but not as long as one-party dictatorships. Therefore, it is impossible to know if the regime is a democracy or a dictatorship, so DD Index considers them dictatorships until an alternation in power occurs. [45] Although, when it comes to polling and elections a dictator could use his power to override private preferences. Elections also support the legitimacy of a dictatorship by presenting the image of a democracy, establishing plausible deniability of its status as a dictatorship for both the populace and foreign governments. ], Based on the regime binary classification idea proposed by Alvarez in 1996,[5] and the Democracy and Development (or DD measure, ACLP dataset) proposed by Przeworski et al. The premise of the "people's democratic dictatorship" is that the Chinese Party of China and the state represent and act on behalf of the people, but possess and may use powers against reactionary forces. [18], A classification of dictatorships, which began with political scientist Barbara Geddes in 1999, focuses on where power lies. Stability in a dictatorship is maintained through coercion and political repression, which involves the restriction of access to information, the tracking of the political opposition, and acts of violence. [2] The inner circle's support is necessary for a dictator's orders to be carried out, causing elites to serve as a check on the dictator's power. As the Cold War went on, the Soviet Union increased its influence in Africa, and MarxistLeninist dictatorships developed in several African countries. [69], In the time between World War I and World War II, several dictatorships were established in Europe through coups which were carried out by far-left and far-right movements. Some countries, such as Sweden, instead charge another person entirely with choosing the head of government, such as the presiding officer of the legislative assembly. Right now, 74% families are homeowners. Since the Korean War, North Korea has been ruled by a series of autocratic leaders. [81] These reforms incorporated totalitarianism, fealty to the state, expansionism, corporatism, and anti-communism. [74] The Bolsheviks consolidated power by 1922, forming the Soviet Union. If it is not responsible, it is a presidential democracy. [126]This tactic involves policies on land reform, poverty alleviation, public health, housing, education, and employment programs that force citizens to be dependent on the state for relatively adequate living standards. [8]:457, The DD dataset is limited to 199 countries after 1946, whereas Boix, Miller, & Rosato, 2013 proposed a data set from 1800 to 2007, covering 219 countries. Dictatorships have arisen throughout history, usually in times of crisis. Military dictators may also be less trusting or diplomatic and underestimate the use of bargaining and compromise in politics. Democracy is broadly understood to mean 'rule by the people'. The first distinction made is whether a democracy's government is responsible to the legislature. First is that an autocracy nearly always focuses power in a single individual person, whereas dictatorshipssingle-party dictatorships in particularsometimes spread the power throughout a small group of people (say, the leaders of the dictator's political party). From the outside looking in, life within a dictatorship appears akin to being in a toxic relationship or living situation. [59] Shoguns were de facto military dictators in Japan beginning in 1185 and continuing for over six hundred years. It is bordered by Pakistan in the south and east; Iran in the west; Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan in the north; and China in the far northeast. In the latter half of the 20th century, Latin America witnessed a rise in authoritarian regimes across the expanse of the regionoften with multiple dictators following different political . In military dictatorships, it is the military that exerts complete or substantial control over the government rather than a political clique. [85] After being defeated in World War II, the far-right dictatorships of Europe collapsed, with the exceptions of Spain and Portugal. The Freedom in the World report evaluates the state of freedom in 195 countries and 14 territories, assigning a score between 0 and 4 in a series of 25 indicators to give a final score of 100. The Countries with Dictatorships in the Modern World As of 2020, there are 52 nations with a dictator or authoritarian regime ruling the country: Three in Latin America and South America, 27 in Asia and the Middle East, and 22 in Africa. Between 1950 and 2016, one-party dictatorships made up 57% of authoritarian regimes in the world,[26] and one-party dictatorships have continued to expand more quickly than other forms of dictatorship in the latter half of the 20th century. But for today, these are the world's dictatorships. Repression can encompass actual or threatened physical violence such as arrests, assassinations, torture, beatings, disappearances, mass killings, and forced exile. Also called a dominant party dictatorship or one-party state. Many others developed following a period of warlordism. Argentina and Mexico are the countries with Dictatorship as a government form. Many countries today are still under a dictatorship, including: Cambodia China North Korea Russia And many more! Dictatorships frequently hold elections in order to establish their legitimacy or provide incentives to members of the ruling party, but these elections are not competitive for the opposition. Whether or not Putin is a dictator is a matter of some debate. ", "The Cromwellian Protectorate: A Military Dictatorship? This does not indicate cases of semi-democracy or semi-dictatorship. While Latin America, Asia, and Africa were already dictatorship countries, they differed from the dictatorships formed in what became known as the Eastern Bloc. Types. The Democracy-Dictatorship Index is seen as an example of the minimalist approach, whereas the Polity data series is more substantive. [107] Dictatorships are often recipients of foreign aid on the condition that they make advances toward democratization. [62][63][64] Maximilien Robespierre has been similarly described as a dictator while he controlled the National Convention in France and carried out the Reign of Terror in 1793 and 1794. [5] This is particularly true when the inner circle is made up of military officers that have the resources to carry out a military coup. Dictatorships that fail to repress the opposition are susceptible to collapse through a coup or a revolution. North Korea is one of the clearest examples of a totalitarian government. Accused of crimes against humanity, Saddam Hussein was sentenced to death in 2006. China's constitution calls its government a "people's democratic dictatorship." Poverty alleviation in these 10 dictatorship countries is in some cases associated with human rights abuses, violent crackdowns on the political opposition and indigenous people. and "Which country has a dictatorship as its form of leadership?" A dictatorship is an authoritarian structure of government. [127], Indoctrination is the inculcation of citizens on specific values and ideas beneficial to the dictatorships needs and desires. ( 1, 2, 3) 5 Paul Kagame, the 60-year-old President of Rwanda, has been in power since 1994 when his rebel army ended the genocide which had killed 800,000 people. [123] The form of government does not correlate with the amount of economic growth, and dictatorships on average grow at the same rate as democracies, though dictatorships have been found to have larger fluctuations. Dictatorships seem much more extreme and unethical to people who enjoy the privilege of an outside perspective. REUTERS/Myo Kyaw Soe. What countries are currently ruled by dictatorships? Hybrid dictatorships are regimes that have a combination of these classifications. [126] For dictatorships, societal compliance is necessary for the ruling entity to maintain its desired order, laws, revenue, and policies. [71] The aftermath of World War I resulted in a major shift in European politics, establishing new governments, facilitating internal change in older governments, and redrawing the boundaries between countries, allowing opportunities for these movements to seize power. For democracies, it categorizes them into three types: parliamentary, semi-presidential and presidential democracies. These movements supported pan-Arab Nasserism during most of the Cold War, but they were largely replaced by Islamic nationalism by the 1980s. [1]:70. (2010), and further developed and maintained by Cheibub, Gandhi, and Vreeland (2009). In democracies, the threat of a military coup is associated with the period immediately after a democracy's creation but prior to large-scale military reforms.

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