physical description of dajjal

physical description of dajjal


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(narrated by Muslim, 5228), Al-Bukhari narrated from Abu Said al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) that this man whom the Dajjal will kill will be one of the best people, who will go out to the Dajjal from the city of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and will say to the Dajjal, I bear witness that you are the Dajjal of whom the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told us. The Dajjal will say (to the people): What do you think if I kill this man then bring him back to life, will you have any doubts? They will say, No. So he will kill him, then bring him back to life. His head is covered with curly hair with the letters "Ka" "Fa" "Ra'' written. From what I have seen, Dajjal will be able to perform his supernatural feats through the use of black magic. He narrated to me that he had sailed in a ship along with thirty men of Bani Lakhm and Bani Judham and had been tossed by waves in the ocean for a month. The Dajjal will appear on earth and will gain many followers, spreading his fitnah far and wide. We said: About what aspect of theirs do you seek information? He will have a paradise and a hell with him, but his paradise will be a hell and his hell will be a paradise. (Narrated by Muslim, no. The Dajjal is so called because he will conceal his kufr from the people by lying to them, deceiving them and confusing them. 2. Dajjal has a defected left eye. There they saw a person who had been pulling his hair. Or it was said that it is because he will survey or travel throughout the earth (yamsah) in forty days The former view is more correct, because of what was said in the hadith narrated by Muslim (no. He will come to some people and call them, and they will believe in him and respond to him. There are three aspects of Dajjal: 1. al-Dajjl, (Arabic: The Deceiver), in Islamic eschatology, a false messianic figure who will come forth before the end of time; after a reign of 40 days or 40 years, he will be destroyed by Christ or the mahd (rightly guided one) or both, and the world will submit to God. The Dajjal will be a short man, pigeon-toed, with curly hair. He again said: Inform me about the spring of Zughar. 10 Facts every Muslim and Christian should know about Dajjal - Medium Description of DAJJAL - The False Messiah - YouTube It said: I am al- Jassasa. Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0. unbeliever) or the letters Kafir (the root of the Arabic verb disbelieve) written on his forehead, I heard Ibn Abbas saying, I did not hear this, but the Prophet said, If you want to see Abraham, then look at your companion (i.e. 6599), According to the hadith of Umamah al-Bahili (may Allah be pleased with him), the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said of the Dajjal: Part of his fitnah will be that he will say to a Bedouin, Do you think that if I resurrect your father and mother for you that you will testify that I am your lord? He will say, Yes. So two devils will appear to him in the image of his father and mother, saying, O my son, follow him for he is your lord. (Narrated by Ibn Majah, no. Authentic Description of Dajjal - Bilal Philips - YouTube Isa will catch up with him at the gate of Ludd (Lod), a place in Palestine near Bayt al-Maqdis. Hudhalfa reported that Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Dajjal is blind of left eye with thick hair and there would be a garden and fire with him and his fire would be a garden and his garden would be fire. Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet said: Shall I tell you about the Dajjaal a story of which no Prophet told his nation? They moved about in that land in search of water. 5228) narrated a lengthy hadith from al-Nawwas ibn Sam'an (may Allah be pleased with him) about the Dajjal, in which the story of the descent of Isa and his killing the Dajjal are mentioned. 5219) According to a report narrated by Hudhayfah, This will be read by every believer, literate or illiterate. (Muslim, no. 6- Hudhayfah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: The Dajjal will be one-eyed, blind or defective in his left eye, with thick hair. Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him) also sent me such a message for his freed slave Usama b. Zaid. And when and where will he emerge? She spent generously for the cause of Allah and entertained guests very hospitably. I asked: Who are you? Al-Masih ad-Dajjal (Arabic: , romanized: al-Mas ad-Dajjl, lit. One should know that the Dajjal will be a human being who will eat and drink, and that Allah is far above that; the Dajjal will be one-eyed but Allah is not one-eyed; no one can see his Lord until he dies, but the Dajjal will be seen by all people, believers and kafirs alike, when he emerges. His followers will flee, pursued by the Muslims, who will kill them, and trees and rocks will say, O Muslim, O slave of Allah, there is Jew behind me come and kill him! apart from the gharqad (box thorn), for it is one of the trees of the Jews. He has short and wide apart legs. Allah will enable the believer to understand without him being literate, because at that time, extraordinary things will be happening. (Fath al-Bari by Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, 13/100), Al-Nawawi said: The correct view according to those who studied this issue is that this writing should be taken literally, as being real writing which Allah will create as a sign, one of the definitive proofs that (the Dajjal) is a kafir and a liar, to expose his falsehood. Amr b. Umm Maktum and he is a person of the Bani Fihr branch of the Quraish, and he belonged to that tribe (to which Fatima) belonged. Regarding the physical description of the Dajjaal (Antichrist), the hadeeth underlined that he is a man with a huge body, red complexion (i.e. 7564). 4-Dajjal will emerge from Khorasan: It was narrated that Abu Bakr Siddiq said: "The Messenger of Allah () told us: 'Dajjal will emerge in a land in the east called Khorasan, and will be . He (the narrator) said: When it named a person for us we were afraid of it lest it should be a Devil. She said: I married the son of Mughira and he was a chosen young man of Quraish at that time, but he fell as a martyr in the first Jihad (fighting) on the side of Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him). Undoubtedly Surat al-Kahf is of great significance, containing great ayat, such as the story of the People of the Cave, the story of Musa and al-Khidr, the story of Dhul-Qarnayn and his building the dam to hold back Yajuj and Majuj, proof of the Resurrection and the blowing of the Trumpet, and explanation of those whose deeds are most lost, who are those who think that they are guided when in fact they are misguided and blind. And it had been conveyed to me that Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him) had said (about Usama): He who loves me should also love Usima. After the great Malhama (WW3), the noor of Allah is filled throughout the earth and the Muslim ummah implements peace and justice upon the entire world, and this peace lasts close to a decade (for 7 years). Go to that castle. After the appearance of Dajjal and the battle of the Islamic army with him, I go myself to confront Dajjal and he persuades me to join him and promises me eternal life and a high status. The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) predicted the coming of the Dajjal towards the end of this worldly existence, i.e. According to Prophet Muhmmad (PBUH), This Is How Dajjal Will Look! We can sum up his descriptions in ahaadeeth as follows: Second, he is bowlegged, i.e. What is the Role of Eesa (peace be upon him)? So when he comes, the believers will know him and will not be misled by him. The treasures of the earth will follow him, and he will travel rapidly, like clouds driven by the wind. Why He Shares His Dreams? He is clean shaved and bears a mole on his cheek. As for Gog and Magog, they are two nations from the descendants of Adam. The people of Allah, people who . What Has Allah Show, The Salvation of the Muslim Ummah and Pakistan Is Only in th, What Is Shirk? Who Is the Dajjal? (Comprehensive Answer) - Islam Question & Answer Classed as sahih by al-Albani, Sahih al-Jami al-Saghir, hadith 6346). I am an ordinary Pakistani citizen. The people said: Yes, and this account narrated by Tamim Dari was liked by me for it corroborates the account which I gave to you in regard to him (Dajjal) at Medina and Mecca. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. We said: Woe be upon thee, who are you? Anas b. Malik reported that Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: There would be written three letters k. f. r., i. e. Kafir, between the eyes of the Dajjal. The Dajjal: Islam's Antichrist. This is not a myth nor a fairy tale. Classed as sahih by al-Albani, Sahih al-Jami al-Saghir, hadith 7752). She said: Very well, if you like, I am prepared to do that, and he said to her: Well, do It and narrate that to me. When Will It Begin? And the donkey will belong to dajjal. We said: Yes Thereupon he said: I think these would not bear fruits. The Dajjal will undoubtedly emerge among this ummah, because it is the last ummah, and Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is the Seal of the Prophets. Salaam my fellow siblings in faith! All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. The Dajjal is born to Jewish parents, that means he is not older than the Jewish religion and he began life as a Jew, it may be possible he was alive during the time the Jews were killing their prophets and that corrupted him, it may be possible he was among the exiled tribes of Judah since the location of his imprisonment places him near the I approach the Muslims and warn them that If anyone confronts Dajjal, there is a 99.9% chance that they will join him. I said: No, they have obeyed him. (al-Bukhari, no. Dajjal has slight curly dark hairs and he bears close resemblance to a typical south Asian or Middle Eastern man. When Did He Has His First Dream? This is one of the special features of Surat al-Kahf. Why He Shares His Dreams? Allah will show this sign to every Muslim, literate or illiterate, and will conceal it from everyone whom He decrees is doomed or whom He wants to test. Description Of Dajjal (Anti-Christ) - YouTube 0:00 / 3:56 Description Of Dajjal (Anti-Christ) 224,560 views Dec 28, 2014 3.4K Dislike Share Save iLovUAllah 2.11M subscribers. 2- It was also narrated from Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with them both) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) mentioned the Dajjal to the people and said: Allah is not one-eyed, but the false messiah (al-Masih al-Dajjal) is one-eyed, blind or defective in his right eye, with his eye looking like a floating grape (narrated by al-Bukhari, no. He appears to have wet black hair and he resembles a Middle Eastern person. Al-Nawawi said: The reason for this is because at the beginning of (this surah), mention is made of wonders and signs, and whoever ponders them will not be deceived by the fitnah of the Dajjal. And the donkey will be so tall that his head will be beyond the cloud lines. Further, the type of defect of each eye thereafter is understood from these and other Hadiths, whereby one will be totally blind and the other protruding. All of a sudden he found a woman who was trailing her hair. He said - Dajjal will be a large young man, the color of his body will be red and twisted, and the hair on his head will be curly. 6508; Ibn Qatan was a man from Banu Mustalaq from Khuza'ah). THE STORY OF THE DAJJAL - Islam Former I Am an Ordinary Muslim. 'the false messiah, liar, the deceiver, the deceiving messiah') or Dajjal, is an evil figure in Islamic eschatology who will pretend to be the promised Messiah, appearing before the Day of Resurrection. An unseen force. He then said: Do you know why I had asked you to assemble? And he (Dajjal) said: If I were to be permitted to set out I would have covered all the lands except Taiba. Nay, on the contrary, he As In the east, he is in the east, he is in the east, and he pointed with his hand towards the east. Both accounts are sahih. He asked: Who are you? So we came to you in hot haste fearing that that might be the Devil. Then I will emerge and will travel throughout the earth for forty days, and I shall not leave any town without entering it, apart from Makkah and Madinah, which I will be prevented from entering because every time I try to enter, there will be an angel with an unsheathed sword in his hand, preventing me from entering. Then we hurriedly went on till we came to that monastery and found a well-built person there with his hands tied to his neck and having iron shackles between his two legs up to the ankles.

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